The hatch would not latch closed. I manually closed it and released it with the button and it seemed that the release was sufficient to open the hatch, but not enough ??? for the latch to recatch when the hatch was closed. I put some WD40 on it and worked it several times and now it latches. But, I did notice a short straw attached to the side of the latch? What's that for? Here is a link to the photo: Tom
You must have a pet? That will interfere with the latch operations in a hurry. Try to keep it clean as possible. Have no idea what the straw is...
You are not crazy, I had the same problem and also noticed the small straw. I have no idea why it is there ...
Without looking at my car I think Bisco may be correct. I'm guessing it might be a drain tube for any water collecting at the hinged portion of the hatch. Maybe the hinged area had to be designed (for structural reasons?) with a depression in it and in order to get rid of any standing water a drain hole had to be created....
Hmm, this has piqued my interest. I checked both the parts and service manuals and found nothing resembling the "soda straw." From vercalli's picture it does look like a piece of duct tape is holding it in place. I think I'll take a look at my car and see if it's there. If so, I'll try to determine what it's for. Bisco's drain tube looks like the best bet for now. I wonder where the OP went?
i didn't realize serlegar had drug up a 2/16 post until you said that. i doubt we'll be hearing from them. since we're here tho, it would be interesting if everyone looked at their tailgate.
Nothing like that from what I can remember seeing when I had the liftgate trim removed for the Valenti installations.
Sorry no drug for a long time now. Here is a pic from EBay, we can see the tape on the third picture: 2008 Toyota Prius Trunk Latch Lock Rear 04 05 06 07 08 09 | eBay
hey he's not crazy, I have a 2008 and it is all taped up, with no access so it can't be a drain, but it's there taped to the mechanism alright!