While on the highway, my mind starting thinking "what if?" If one wanted to turn the radio off with the "PWR" button, but hit "P" button located 2 inches away, would castastrophe result? Maybe Toyota built in safeguards, but I'm sure not going to try it!!!
That "park" button is disabled after rolling a few MPH. I tested that on my first test drive WITH the salesman with me. LOL :lol: It WILL jerk you to a stop when rolling though....and it's pretty awakening. Not sure where the speed cutoff is but I think it's around 2-5 MPH. Haven't tried it on my 06 (and...uh...won't) but HAD to see that on my test drive of an 05. Fun stuff! I did warn him about what I needed to try. Aaron
:lol: I think you're safe, we're pretty far away from each other. Yep, had to do it. That trany may have a "little" looseness to it now. Or, maybe not but HAD to see for myself what it would do. And, it is interesting that it will "slam" it into park like that when you're rolling 2-5 MPH or so. You're welcome! Aaron
It's funny. I get that question - and similar ones - all the time. My response is usually something along the lines of, "things you wouldn't normally do in your car probably shouldn't be done in mine." But in case you're really silly or stupid, the car will cover your mistakes or experiments. People have reported trying the shifter while in motion, pressing [P] while moving, pressing the (POWER) button while moving, and other things designed to ruin your otherwise nice day. The result was that the car ignored their requests.
Yeah, it'll go into neutral. You can't possibly press P by accident, they're at different heights and the P is somewhat behind the wheel. Besides, if you need to turn off the radio, press and HOLD the MODE button.
So how can or should the car be stopped by a front seat passenger if the driver collapses at 50MPH? (Can't reach the foot-brake)
I tried it, by accident, on the motorway (130 km/h). The car goes BEEP BEEP BEEP and shifts into neutral.
Gasp! There is not much you can do than: Press HAZARD. Shift into B move the drivers right foot away from the pedal. steer the car onto the hard shoulder. Press P when reached 5 mph.
If their foot's on the accelerator, you could turn the power off if you can reach the button (just hold it for a few seconds). This is a lot easier on LHD cars than RHD cars, though. Actually, just putting it into "N" would be easier. Can you really not reach the foot parking brake from the passenger seat?
Do you think that would work on a conventional car? If the car didn't have a lockout and you could jam the lever into park, suddenly locking the front wheels at 50MPH would likely cause either 1. Shattering of the parking pawls in the transmission, with no slowing of the car. 2. Locking of the front wheels with total loss if directional control, possibly combined with the car swapping ends and spinning. The best option is to stomp on the brake, even if you have to stomp of the collapsed drivers foot to do it. It's certainly possible, I remember my driving teacher doing it to me once to help me deal with emergancies. (He also was known to stomp on the gas pedal while you were backing up!)
If you wanted to throw yourself, prone, over the stricken driver's lap (sacrificing your road awareness), you might be able to reach down to the EB pedal with your hand. Not the way I wanna go.
One of the zanies on the original '01 Prius Yahoo group, after some calculations, put his Prius in R at 40 MPH. :lol:
Besides , I wonder whether you can use it together with CC to reduce the speed further? Does cancel CC? If it does, then anyone know which one, CC or , can reduce the speed from 50 MPH to 25 MPH at a faster rate? Vincent