2013 Buick Regal Starts at $29,990, Mild-Hybrid System Now Standard - WOT on Motor Trend This is sorta like the goofy strategy where GM was selling the '12 Malibu alongside the (next gen) '13 Malibu Eco (which uses eAssist aka 2nd gen BAS mild hyrbid system) before the non-eAssist '13 Malibus were available. Supposedly, it's because the next gen (non-eAssist) powertrains weren't ready yet. I wonder if GM will end up being able to significantly boost their "hybrid" sales numbers w/this strategy. Per July 2012 Dashboard | Hybrid Cars, they've already blown past Honda.
Compared to their first BAS systems, the current ones are 'less bad.' They are like a poor-man's IMA. But they are a poor substitute. Still, less bad than what was there before. Bob Wilson
So GM offers a car that is more money and less mileage. Ties in nicely with the "GM Bankruptcy" conversation.
Not as good IMA, but is has an advantage in cost and simplicity. Which gives it the potential of being installed in more models. A small improvement over more can have a bigger impact than selling a few full hybrids. It would be better if GM, and Ford with their start/stop system, made it a standard feature. I can a couple reasons why they at least wouldn't start that way. The big one is public acceptance.
The only car of that size I was considering was the Sonata Hybrid. Just didn't think the MPG numbers were worth even bothering to look at a Malibu.
I would stay from any car that had Buick in the title! If you are going to build a Hybrid, and I know this is hard for GM to do, build it right the first time. No more stinkin auto bailouts! If you are going under because you build crappy cars, just slip silently into the night and let someone who wants to build a quality Hybrid take your place!
2013 Malibu Eco is so bad, it has very similar mpg to other 4cly non-hybrids in the class when tested by mags... and you pay extra for that.