I'm a third year student at the University of Exeter and my chosen dissertation topic looks into the future of vehicle technology, how renewable fuels and attitudes shape the current hybrid and electric vehicle markets and how existing owners feel and perceive their cars to be representative of themselves. I have so far been lucky enough to have interviewed a Tesla Roadster owner which was really engaging and really very useful for my project. Prius owners however, are ideal in allowing me to gain an understanding of the perspectives of those who are part of the largest scale hybrid on the market. To achieve a representative data set for my project, I am required to present a number of separate interviews to support my hypothesis. If you feel that you might like to get involved in a project which aims to positively represent hybrid and electric vehicles and indeed use such a representation to appeal to those 'non-believers' then please get in touch, your participation would be hugely appreciated. An interview would typically last for no more than an hour and aims to allow you to tell your story in your purchase of your hybrid vehicle. For queries or any interest, please send an email to [email protected] Many Thanks, Lowell
What is your time scale? I have a Prius + on order with an estimated delivery date of mid October and would be happy to be part of your survey. The Plus was on sale (available for order) from the 9th July 2012 so adding the 10-12 weeks for delivery there shouldn't be any on the road until, at the earliest, the end of September !!!!
I wasn't in fact aware of the Prius + but that would be very interesting because (i presume) you've ordered it with the need for family purpose (currently something rare in the hybrid/electric market). My project will be ongoing until around March, so that leaves plenty of time if you were interested in participating at a later date. Can I ask, have you previously owned an existing Prius or other hybrid?
No previous hybrid. I'm going for the Prius + as my company car is due for renewal and the list of vehicles has been reduced due to CO2 levels. I currently drive a Ford Galaxy which is great for holidays/car boot sales/moving large items/airport runs but, as it's a 1.8 litre diesel I find it gutless and unresponsive and lacking in tech. I pay for my own fuel and have to claim back work mileage which usually involves crawling through the north London traffic most of the time, so my fuel costs should drop by around £50/month. The company car tax will be over £500/year less as well. Also, I do like my techno gadgets
Sounds like a pretty good trade in then! Your reasoning for switching sounds quite interesting in terms of my project and definitely will provide a new dimension to it in terms of response, obviously, it would be most beneficial if I were to ask you a few questions once you've had some experience with the new P +, would you be happy to give me an email address and i'll try to get in touch sometime in October to see how you're getting on with it?
The Prius + is a European and/or Japan market vehicle only. The US market get a very similar vehicle called the Prius V but it only has 5 seats and a different type of battery. I think I saw one of your posts in Leaftalk.co.uk. One thing I have found is that the reasons for using hybrid vehicles seems to vary depending on the market. The US don't have as many diesel cars as we do (due to having stricter emission controls) and diesel costs much more than petrol over there. Also manual transmissions only make up 6% of US car sales, rather than the 60% in the UK. So in the UK, you can almost (but not quite) get similar mpg's to the Prius by using a manual diesel. Oh, one other thing - the US gallon is smaller than the UK gallon, so be very careful if you see a US owner 'only' getting 40 mpg as that is about 50 mpg UK. Might get in touch with you via leaftalk to discuss my hybrid experiences.
I am unclear if you are restricting your 'interviews' to the UK. I am on my second Prius as a 'lorry' (?) hit my first. Some days you just feel a truck has your name all over it. Here are my reasons for buying the first, even more true today. 2010 Prius School Project! | PriusChat
Unfortunately, I have to try and collect phone interviews, and therefore the massive costs to phone the U.S. mean that indeed I do have to limit my sample market. Read through your addition to the linked blog though, very interesting and in fact quite entertaining, you might make a good comedian! It's a shame therefore that I can't do a phone interview as yours really does sound like an interesting story. I wonder perhaps whether you might have time to extend upon what you've written in the above blog in answering a series of questions that I have to ask. Although technically it wouldn't be a spoken interview, I could use the data provided to write it into an interview/conversational format, as the data would still be hugely useful. If you do have some spare time at all, that would be unbelievably appreciated - if so, let me know and I can send you my list of questions. If not, thanks for getting in touch anyway, was good to have a little read through your previous entry, gained a better understanding of the versatility of the Prius. Cheers, Lowell
The term lorry is mainly used by the older generation. A lorry, you call them a semi (?) is sometimes called a HGV here but most people call them trucks.That ol' American influence I guess. So is that truck one of yours or just a lucky coincidence?
Growing up I knew of 7 Jim Palmers, one reason I stayed with Jimbo. The Jim Palmer that has Jim Palmer Trucking is based in Montana, so I saw many of his trucks in Washington state and Nevada. Now that I love in Mississippi, they considerably rarer.