I noted that after Christmas time the gas prices in northern Florida went up a bunch - not just a few cents, more like a 25 cent jump in what seemed overnight. Anyway, since I filled at $2.03 in southern Georgia on the inaugural drive to it's new home from Cincinnati on December 27th, we haven't the need to fill it...... yet....... to steal a phrase, "I'm lovin it!"
At my local station it went from $2.15 to $2.27. I'm sure it will go up again in a few days. Boy, I'm glad I bought my plane ticket.
Today the local gas stations were between $2.31 and $2.39/gallon. I sure hope my Prius gets here SOON!!
On 01 JAN 06 I got 87 octane for $2.23/gal. Today, 07 JAN 06 I paid $2.35/gal. I saw a similar spread to what Rancid just reported. This is in NW Denver metro.
Some comparisons of pricing at 2 nearby gas stations (Huntington Beach, CA). Arco is at corner of Goldenwest/Slater, Chevron is at corner of Beach/Slater, ~1 mile apart. Tuesday January 3, 2006 Arco..........$1.99/gallon Chevron....$2.05/gallon Tuesday January 10, 2006 Arco..........$2.19/gallon Chevron....$2.35/gallon
My local Arco just went to $2.33 from last week's 2.29. Definitely will get back to $3 by May if not earlier. The big guys like Shell and Chevron are at least .20 ahead of those numbers. I'm sure those big wigs can come up with some insane reason for sticking it to people so they can have outlandish profits again.
$2.61 today at the local Mobil... I heard on the radio that New York's prices are the 2nd highest, 2nd to Hawaii..... Most of that is due to taxes... NY State Gas Tax is not a fixed amount as about every other state I've heard of... . It is a percentage of the wholesale prices, so it goes up as gas prices go up. It really sticks it to the consumer & taxpayer twice, compounding price rises.. There's been lip service to 'We should change it to a fixed cents amount'... but the money coming in to the State coffers is too hard to break with for the politicians...
In continuing my keeping track of the same 2 gas stations...today's data: Friday January 13, 2006 Arco.........$2.25/gallon Chevron....$2.37/gallon
Every time there is even a hiccup anywhere near the middle-east the price goes up 5-25 cents. How does the situation with gas prices not fit the definition of collusion? Every time i am at a dealer meeting we have to go over this bs about not talking about prices and price-fixing. I for one can't wait to find an alternative fuel source. by the way the price here dropped 10 cents overnight, it looks like the problem must have been solved overnight.
Solved overnight? I doubt it. More bothersome than the price of gas is the volatility of it. There is no ceiling. It spikes on natural disasters, tension in the middle east... it's far too volitile. And the people who get hit the most with volatile gas are people with gas guzzlers. The more fuel efficient car is much more immune to increases in the price of gas. while I may have to pay an extra $1~2 at the pump, someone with a big freaking SUV may be paying $10~$20 more.
My point is most of what is happening at the pumps at least in the short-term is pure bs. The pm of Israel has a stroke so, so the price goes up at every station overnight adn nobody wonders about collusion, what a croc. In the long-term it is a problem, supply is roughly steady for the foreseeable future and the demand is growing fast(china and india). Again I can't wait 'til the supply of mid-east oil will be a minor factor in the economics of the US.
Here in Brooklyn, NY gas is ranging from $2.55-$2.65. Two weeks ago it was down around $2.25-$2.33. It is sickening how the prices fluctuate like a leaf in the wind.
Hi everybody, I see all the :angry: faces about the gas oil prises but in Holland it’s totally differend. 1 liter is €1,41 so.. 1 gal is €5,34 so.. 1 gal is $6,40 That is realy :angry: :angry: Greetings from a poor dutch man Andrew
Gas here has been steadily dropping over the winter. It's down to $2.19 now. Lots of places in town have it for $2.29 a gallon. We were relatively insulated from the Katrina price spike last summer, as we pump all the oil that is sold as gas in this area.
welll living in the Pacific Northwest, most of our oil also comes from Alaska... interesting that gas here is only $2.14 a gallon.