I feel like when I drive my C when its hot outside (90 F+) that its drives differently. It either feels slower. Or it doesn't feel as quick. Anybody else share this observation?
Some drives my C feels like it's heart really isn't in it. Most of the time it's cooperative. Other times it feels really on the ball. Sounds about like everything else...
I have noticed this too. Mostly it seems slower when I have the AC on. Also the engine sounds different because of it, like it's working harder. When I don't have the AC on and windows rolled down it seems to drive better.
A/C use may be what you are feeling... assuming you are using the a/c. It is always hot here in the Vegas desert, but I can feel the difference between using a/c and not using it (sometimes i take the heat and just keep the windows down). Otherwise, I've not yet experienced temps below the high 80s, so I can't speak to how mine acts in the "cold."
So far mine has *only* been exposed to temperatures in the 90s and above, but I've not noticed anything about the feel of the drive that made me worry - and I am extremely sensitive to how a car drives, feels, sounds, etc.
that would be the function to protect the battery and prolong it's life...when too hot not as much battery is blended with the gasser. in other words, the gas engine is called upon to run a bit stronger to make up for the lower boost from a hot or otherwise taxed (using a/c) battery. also works similarly in below 0 degrees F weather. Just like you and me, more moderate temps make HSD (hybrid synergy drive) systems much happier than the extremes.
I'm quite surprised, and pleased, that in these high temps and with 99% traffic driving, I am still getting MPG in the lows 60s. I can't wait to see how my little C2 performs when "winter" arrives in the desert.
that is awesome MPG. I've done the 0 degrees and below in South Dakota and the above 100 degrees as well. regardless, the averages do...'average' out. 34 MPG is the low for me and 56 MPG is a high...overall average is 47 ish. Now in Oregon (flatter, more moderate temps)...i am consistently above 51 MPG. Love seeing the C out in the wild and love seeing and hearing from new owners in the HSD vehicle line up.
I *would* love to! Sadly, at the moment it seems there may be only 3 or 4 Cs in the whole Vegas valley. The bigger Prius' are EVERYWHERE... I must see a dozen or more every day. I've only spotted 1 other C on the road (and i'm only 90% certain it was a C and not some other similar-looking car), and I know of 1 on the other side of town but we haven't "met" yet. I keep looking, though. When I do spot another, I'm likely to stalk it to its destination just so I can say HI to whomever is driving. LOL
The secondary engine (gas?) seems to come on more frequently, even while stopped or at very low speeds. I bought my car the end of July and it's been very hot every day since (summer in Utah), but this seems to have happened just in the last week 1/2, any idea why?