I was wondering if anyone tried the EVSE upgrade for the charge cable to upgrade it to 240 volts and what do you think. Thanks.
Hes talking about evseupgrade.com Im planning on sending mine to him next week. Unless I find a reasonably priced wall mount EVSE before then.
OHHH I just found this... Nissan Leaf EVSE Charger Conversion Handbook | eBay Upgrade the unit yourself for a fraction of the money!!!
All this is the the breakdown of the LEAF unit. OpenEVSE will explain how to build your own. I don't see how this $29 handbook would help you upgrade your stock cable.
From the seller; Dear jimbo69ny, It is VERY easy to convert. No actual parts are needed. I give you several methods of converting the unit. I prefer using the method that uses two parts that are easily available from Digi-Key. I give you the part numbers. But there is a way to convert the unit in about 5 minutes using no extra parts. - ibapah
Because it would cost $500+ to build your own. With EVSE Upgrade or with this modification, you can have a level 2 charger for a lot less money.
It's now down to a little over $400 to build a 30A capable 120/240 OpenEVSE, or about $239 to have your Toyota one converted to use both voltages, or try that guide for $29, and you'll still save to buy parts from DigiKey NOTE: those instructions are for the Nissan supplied Panasonic EVSE, the Toyota version is likely to be different. Take a look at my build link, "360.com" update the J-1772 cable on my build, and added up the prices. Keep in mind, building your own EVSE means you own it, and it's a 2nd device to use, so if/when you sell the PiP you will still have the EVSE, for your next real EV, and you can leave the unmodified Toyota EVSE with the PiP My build, with updated price on the J-1772 cable: EVSE_by_mwolrich - open-evse - A portable EVSE built with an Open EVSE board. - Open Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) - Google Project Hosting
I would purchase your openevse unit or build on myself but after giving it some thought, I would be placing myself in a bad liability situation. My situation is unique, I am planning on installing EV charging stations at my rental properties for tenants to use. If I build my own unit and something happens, even if its not the fault of the openevse, I'm sure I would be putting myself in a bad position. So instead I want to upgrade my current EVSE and install 240 v and 120 v outlets at the properties. That way I can charge my car when I am there, then when prices come down a bit I will install a brand name EVSE unit.
You might want to check this link about tenant/landlord charging issues: Landlords Vs Tenants With Electric Cars: Study Proposes Solutions
I am sending mine in on Friday. They are closed on Labor day, but back on Tuesday, so hopefully he will have it back to me by Friday next week.
Thanks for the article, I just read it along with the links within. Its interesting however its a different situation. In all of those instances the landlord is fighting the owners of EV's. I own a PHEV and I am going to be offering a level 1 and level 2 charge to my tenants for FREE. It will be great advertising, great for tenant retention, and it will help the movement. Sure its going to cost me a few grand but it will also give me a place to plug in until the EV infrastructure is in place.
Yes, I thought you might want to see that you are among the more progress thinkers on the EV charging issue. I think now that you can construct an EVSE for $400, you should consider that. There's not much risk in it, the entire purpose of an EVSE is as a safety device, after all.
I would love to save money and build my own but i worry about the liability. I always need to be careful, people are lawsuit crazy.
Hello PriusChat members, Just want to let you know I had my EVSE upgraded to L2. Used EVSE.com. Shipped on Thursday and received the next Thursday. Very happy so far. It will remain in garage as permanent EVSE. Paid $259 total with shipping plus $20 to ship it to them. Ran #6 wire (prepared for future) to garage with breaker for $101. Total cost for job was $380 for L2 convenience. I am really curios as to what evse.com actually did to upgrade, anyone know? Take care. Thanks Ches for advice.
You only need a 16A EVSE for PiP (which is what the original LEAFs needed). I'd look around for a used 16A EVSE, which should be a similar price. Then you could have a complete EVSE permanently installed ?in your garage?