It's allocation day here in the northeast district and I just got the call that my Salsa #9 has been allocated. It will be in port on May 17th and at the dealers by the end of the month. Thank you to this board for all your insight into this matter. I was looking at a Nov. delivery until I got on the phone last week and called every dealership in PA and WV. I finally found this dealer who said they get a Salsa #9 allocated every month. A guy from Pittsburgh bought the last one they had the day before I called. Now my only question is do I want the Toyota mats or not? Keep looking. Don't settle!!!!!!!!!!!
AAAHHH!!!!!!! Why are none of the Tabascos coming to Texas! We love Salsa down here. It's our official state sauce! (Seriously). My only comfort is the fact that the reds are still being produced. Congratulations and post pics if you can. You lucky bastard, you. :guns:
Watch those toenails and eyebrows, John See bigbaldcuban's previous posts about his obsession with a #9 Salsa if you don't get the joke :lol:
Great. I'm forever labeled the toenail man. :x I suppose I could start taking my medication again. (Rum and coke with a twist of lime)
i guess i also am wishing i made more calls, since the dealer i ordered from in WV is saying july for a salsa #9, but that's still way better than my local dealer, who said MAYBE next april...
Same here...I keep seeing Seaside Blues...but NO allocations here in Ohio. :cussing: But I've only been waiting 3 months.
Johno, This will be the longest May you've ever experienced. I received the same call a month ago. My Salsa Red was in Portland on April 12, Chicago on April 20th, and on the lot 9 days later. Those last few weeks were frustrating......I kept riding past the dealer looking for car carriers. The car is wonderful. Having a classic for the past 2.5 years, we really love the loaded #9. The Salsa Red is Fantastic! Bob
Thanks Bob. My only problem is I have to drive five hours to get the car. It should be a great drive home. Would you recommend getting the Toyota mats?
Spoke to the Dealer Monday and he said he has not been issued a VIN number yet for my car. Since it was due in port in New Jersey Monday, 5/17/04, it should show up at the Dealer in the next 7-10 days. He said it usually takes 5 days to process the car from the boat to the car carrier. I am starting to get excited.
Mine was due in port on the 5 or 6th of May, I still have not "gotten the call" as of today. Last week, "Tuesday", I called my dealer, and he also said is should be in Chicago about a week later, then another week to get to the dealership. My brother works at the dealership, and he checked for me yesterday, they recieved an alotment, but it wasn't on there. I am going to call my dealer shortly to see if he has any more info. I to would like to get the VIN number, so I can get my financing in order. I am still hoping that I will get it by the end of this week, however, I could be in next week. I would just LOVE to have it this weekend!
actually, it looks like i might be getting one from the same allocation! just got a call from my dealer and he said that there is one person ahead of me on the list, and salsa wasn't even one of their choices. and their first choice, tideland, is due in 2 weeks, so it's a good chance they will opt to wait. now if i can just find out who they are and have manny threaten their toenails...
Sorry it took a couple weeks to answer your question Johno. We got the "Prius" mats with ours. Two front with the logo, two in back and the larger one for the hatch/trunk area. I like them, but my wife (who actually drives the car most the time) said she may want to get some rubber mats. The tan color show any dirt quite easily and with these spring rains we are having and our gravel driveway, she's trying to be really careful to not get them dirty. We sure love this car and you will too soon. Bob Merrick