....worded like an animal activist hack (I support most of what they do, but don't like a lot of their tatics) Sheriff: Drunken man turns off power on poultry farm, causes death of 70,000 chickens - U.S. News
Good thing it wasn't a Oil Refinery! Just another excuse to jack up the price of gas! I predict the killer will own a KFC Franchise!
Eh? Not really 'my' issue. Tyson kills a lot more than 70,000 chickens a year, and outside the Vegan community I don't really see anybody trying to accuse them of "mass murder." I think that there is a criminal act involved, but the trouble is....words really do count. That's why the bed-wetting liberals in this country are always "labeling" things. You control the language....you control the debate. The elements of common law murder are: Unlawful killing of a human by another human with malice aforethought. Bumping off a bunch of chickens is wrong. Animal neglect and/or abuse is wrong on a whole range of levels, which is why if LEGAL and RIGHT were the same thing??? Then Michael Vick would be mucking out animal shelters at minimum wage for another few years if I ever got to be KFAD!
A recent (and not so pleasant) encounter with some animal rights activists motivated this thread. I responded at a forum Michael Vick paid for his crimes without knowing recently he may have faked his remorse...that would have changed my mind. Instead of providing the links on MV not being very sorry, a couple of these Michael Vick scream I must blindly accept whatever they say, get some vitrolic it's as if I was part of the dogfighting rink. Since it's on LinkedIn, I unjoin...I have a professional profile there but one of these animal rights hotheads have NO profile....Hmmm. I favor the human treatment of animals and would agree on many of their issues, but their emotional intelligence is EPIC FAIL. For crying out loud, I have a normal life and concerned about many things - these activitists have no life outside animal rights, so asking for a link should be effortless if it's true. I'm starting to believe people like that OCD about one particular issue deep down are less concerned with advancing their cause and just doing it for their out of control anger management and other issues
Of course, no conservative would ever do that. Like calling those they disagree with bed-wetters. Nope, nope, nope...
Michael Vick: Remorseful Eagle or Smirking Dirty Bird | The Moderate Voice IMHO the drunk 21yo that passed out drunk in a pool of his urine, showed more remorse than Vick. Vick did serve his prison term, and pretending to be remorseful allows him to collect a high salary. If he wasn't a gifted athlete the commishoner would not have given him such a low bar to get back in the game. As to accidental drunken killing of large numbers of chickens, its sad, but not in the same way as someone brutalizing animals for years.
You're right of course. Since I'm not your typical ideologue, I won't place blame on the current Administration's efforts to further divide the Nation, but rather I will publically and humbly own up to my mistake and take full blame. That insult was on me. I therefore issue a truly sincere and heartfelt apology to anyone out there who is suffering from incontinence. I'm VERY sorry that I associated your medical condition to liberals or liberalism!
^ I wish on the LinkedIn Group someone had bothered to offer a link... supporting their claim Vick was faking his remorse - I would have agreed the punishment was not enough. Instead, when politely asking for them to provide sources, THEY SCREAM, GET PERSONAL, DEMAND I JUST BLINDLY BELIEVE THEM AT FACE VALUE. Sorry for the all caps - they were just as out of control as the drunk in this thread. And this is their folly - they easily could have had my agreement just dropping an article or two. They prefer to behave as emotional drunks and have a freaking fit!
I was not defending your linked in group. I was just defending the point of view that maybe Vick's crime was bad enough for him to be kept out of NFL football. He did serve his time, but football should have had a higher standard than showing remorse. That is just too easy to fake.
^ did not mean to imply that. Rather I was saying it would have been nice if the flamers in the LinkedIn group I left had more civility and sense.