My wife was driving our 2012 Prius C that we bought new three months ago and as we were backing out of a parking space the horn sounded in a stuttering pattern. She stopped and the horn did too. As she continued to back up the horn stuttered again, this time I was watching her hands and the steering wheel. She was not touching it except in a normal driving manner. Nothing touching the center of the steering wheel. Looking over the dashboard displays we saw nothing abnormal. As we drove out of the parking lot the horn fully sounded for a split second then stopped. We turned left onto the street and as she straightened the wheel the horn started blowing like it was in alarm mode; on-off-on-off. We pulled into a parking lot, shut off the car and the horn stopped. Drove 12 miles home with no further problem. I've seen one other person with a similar problem in my search of this forum, but they didn't expand further. I'm taking to the dealer soon, but if they cannot reproduce the problem ... Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a feature of the Prius c that could cause this that I've missed, or am misoperating? Thank You
You have a C! And you're in Vegas! I'm not alone anymore! Which color did you get? As for the horn, sounds like a short of some kind to me.
Did you get yours at Desert Toyota? They had one blue and one habanero when I was there. Been keeping my eyes open to spot that orange car for weeks.
There's an intermittent short in the wiring leading to the horn switch most likely. It shouldn't be too tough to run it down once the horn switch is exposed.
do not know how clsose to the Prius c is to the Gen II in brake system components. So, FWIW, at times, when some Gen IIs are stopped or moving slowly, the brake ctuator makes a "barking" sound that for all the world sounds like a horn sounding. It can be heard outside and inside the car. Read more: My Brakes are Barking at Me | PriusChat Even more if you search with "brake actuator."
Our cars are siblings, in that case. They had one Habanero and one Blue Streak Metallic at Desert... I got the blue, you got the orange. We should arrange a playdate for the cars. ;-)
Thank you Rokeby. I'll observe this better should it happen again. But hopefully it happens Never More.