Looking to purchase a new 2012 Prius, Level 2 in North Carolina. What would you say is a great OTD price to be trying to get out of these dealers. So far I have been quoted with either $24,ooo OTD or $23,500 OTD. Do you think I can do better?
Defiintely YES! A local (Maine) dealer is advertising your model 2013 Prius' for $21,900, (10 in stock). Depending on whether you're trading in or buying outright, you may do even better. I bought my 2011 from this same dealer and know you can even negotiate lower interest rates if you decide to finance with them.
No 2013's are arriving here yet. Most prices here for the car I want supposedly on sale for somewhere in the $23,000 to $24,000 range.
difference between what they are advertising and 'out the door' can be enormous, especially in different states. i think those prices are very good. all the best with your purchase!
If you are a member use the AAA buying service to get up to 3 dealer quotes. Also read through New car buying guide, avoiding dealer scams, new cars, used car buying.
It's Prime Toyota in Saco, ME: Prime Toyota of Saco | Serving the Portland Area | Maine's #1 Toyota Dealer I just checked their website, but found their pricing to be ~$24K; however, in this past Saturday's local newspaper, they were advertising them for $21,900. It may be their website wasn't updated, but give them a call. I'm sure if they can offer the car for that amount, others could match it. Good Luck
Well I almost had a car tonight. Spent just over 2 hours at the dealer. Got their first offer ( $24,750 sale price and $10,500 for trade )and said no way. Told them here is what I am willing to pay. ( $23,000 OTD and $12,500 for trade ) We went back and forth 4 times to the finance guy, then tried to sell me the extended warranty, I said no thanks. He finally agreed to my terms, we started filling out paperwork, then come to find out he added on the sales tax and dealer fees to the price. Told him no I didn't agree to that. They wouldn't budge, so I left. Get home and the sales guy called me twice to apologise for not being able to make a deal. Said the top financial manager wanted to talk to me and see what went wrong and if we could still make a deal, would I drive back in tonight. I told him there was no way I was coming back tonight, but they know what my final numbers are and if they want to meet them, I may come in tomorrow. What a waste of my Friday night. No wonder I hate car shopping....lol
it's the worst. nothing like the ads on t.v. where people are clicking their heels and high fiving on the way out the door.
Well I tried but could not buy a car this weekend during their labor day sale. So for now I think I will wait awhile and try again when the 2013's start arriving. Maybe then they will be more reasonable with the prices on the leftover 2012's. My biggest problem will be finding the specific color combo I am hoping to get. I love the Sea Glass color and it is hard to find. Not many of them out there right now.