Hello! My husband and I are ready to put an order for Prius C, but we haven't decided on a color yet. We are interested in summer rain metallic, but we want to see it in person first and we can't find a single car in that color at any dealer close by. There was one yesterday, but it was sold the same day. They go by fast! Anyway, we are wondering if any of you would be filling to show your car to us. We don't need to test drive it (done it few times already), just to see the color. I am a little nervous about putting an offer on a car without knowing what color is going to look like. Although, judging by the pictures, it will look great. We live in Renton, but we can meet anywhere close to that area (Bellevue, Issaquah, Seattle, etc). Thank you very much in advance.
I assume you tried to look at the one at the Toyota of Renton lot? I have a c3 summer rain on order with a moonroof and they called last weekend to tell me they had one WITHOUT the moonroof in case I wanted to change my mind (no). There doesn't seem to be a single Summer Rain c within 250 miles of Seattle. You can search daily on cars.com -- the inventory updates daily. Might have better luck cruising a mall parking lot to see if you can find one in the wild ;-)
They must have called you about that exact same car I tried to catch at the Toyota of Renton. Unfortunately, it was sold the same day, so I wasn't able to see the color. Although my husband and I are 99% sure we want that color even though we didn't see it in person. I actually saw three different Prius Cs today on my short drive to the pool. The one I really liked was dark blue one, and it was just beautiful. It's definitely our 2nd choice. So did you see the color in person before you put an order for the car? Btw, when do you think you will get your car? Thank you very much for your reply.
The summer rain metallic is simply an awesome color ! We liked the color first when we looked at the brochure. When we tried to locate one to see in person, we had some difficulty since none of the dealers had one except one that was about 50 miles miles away, but it was a C2 whereas we were looking for a C3. We drove, just to look at the color . It was awesome ! Very rare color, and it was then that we decided not to compromise on the color and just tried to locate from autotrader .com. Found one about 250 miles away. I immediately called the dealer and after some calls back and forth, was able to fix the deal over the phone. The dealer agreed to transport the car in a 2 car transport trailer. We just received our car this week, and we are loving it ! I would say, you must see the color before you order.
Hi Annie...actually I didn't see the color before ordering. For me, all varieties of black, gray and white were off the table...I feel like I see enough gray with the weather most of the time ;-) I was torn between summer rain and habanero (I'm a university of tenn alumnus - big orange). I ordered summer rain the end of July but told the dealer I would take habanero or blue just to expand my options since I didn't want to wait until November if I didn't need to. I got a call today that a c3 in habanero with the moonroof was in the allotment for another dealer and did I want it (YES). It will be here about labor day weekend. Btw, I am buying from the Renton dealership...they are convenient and a friend got a lift back there several years ago and has been pleased with the service department. That allotment arriving soon includes a fair number of cars for our area so now might be a good time to call around. And now....I have to look at UT car accessories (might as well trick out The Cheetoh in as much orange as possible ;-)
Thank you for your reply! I am glad to hear you liked the color. I am gonna look around to see if I can find one close by. I know someone did buy one pretty close to my house.
Tracy, thank you again for replying. We were debating between Renton and Bellevue dealership. We are leaning towards Bellevue one because they said they might get us one sooner since they are much bigger dealership. Thanks for the tip! I will call around to see if I can find one. Don't really want to wait till November or December either.
I just saw it!! I called them 5 minutes ago, and they said it has already been sold, but the salesman is checking whether it has been picked up yet or not... Waiting for his call...So hoping it's still at the dealership!
Yay, I finally got to see the color in person. Frankly, it wasn't what I expected the color to be, so thank you everyone who suggested I take a look at it in person. I am leaning towards dark blue now.
After thinking about it more and looking at different colors, we decided to go with Summer Rain. When I saw it again in person, I loved it! I feel like it's different color from what I saw yesterday.
It does! I really like it. When I saw it the very first time, the car just got to the dealership from the port and it was still partially packaged and also very dirty. I didn't really appreciate the color then. Now I love it. =)
I got so lucky. My husband and I have been talking about buying Prius C since March, but we didn't get very serious until last month. The day before yesterday we almost bought PC II SRM (and they had it in stock) but had a horrible experience at that dealership (it took me 3 hours to negotiate not paying $900 for "Green Car Package" which is basically Toyota Care and you get it for free anywhere else). We walked away fully realizing we might have to wait 3 months before we can get our car because they swore "it's the only SRM in the state". But then the next day, I got a call from another dealership telling me that they just got PC Two in SRM. We were thrilled and purchased the car the same day (and the dealership was nothing like the previous one, everything went great, we are very happy). The dealership had two SRM Prius Cs, one of which was for someone who ordered it in May.. Yikes! So happy we didn't have to wait at all.