I've had my priusV about 2 months. Everything was working fine with Entune and the 4s. Then the Apps (I was using Pandora) stopped working with the error message, "To use the media, an active application must be running on your phone." Then the music player stopped working. The information on the song that is playing displays on the screen, the bluetooth says it is connected, which it obviously is, but there is no sound. At the same time, the phone as phone stopped working. Same thing. Bluetooth is connected, but no sound. It says that the call transfer has failed. I can hear the audio from the speaker on the phone itself but not the nav system. (With the music player, I don't hear audio from either the car or the phone.) I have disconnected and erased the profiles from both phone and nav system and re-connected, without any change in the situation. Does anyone have an idea as to what is going on? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Sometimes the system just resets. Go in and setup your phone again. Find it, pair again, etc. After that, edit the Bluetooth devices after you enable for phone, music and internet. In the device menu, choose the VPN/DUNS setup it offers and plug in your Entunes ID and PWD. Then try Pandora and Traffic on the car and see if they work. If you don't have Hotspot option on your iPhone, you will have to use the USB hard wire.
"In the device menu, choose the VPN/DUNS setup it offers and plug in your Entunes ID and PWD." Where is this on the iphone 4s? What does VPN/DUNS refer to? Thanks!
It's on the Prius Setup, not on the phone. From memory, search around, but Setup/Bluetooth/Devices and then Edit the iPhone/device listed on Prius. One of the Edit items is VPS/DUNS and one of those items is your Entune's ID and PWD also your broadband carrier ID and PWD. I put in both but I think you only need to put in the Entunes ID/PWD. Carrier and the carrier ID and PWD seem optional but I figured it can't hurt. If you put that in and have the Hotspot option on your phone, then you don't have to have Entunes running on the phone or even on the phone as far as I can figure.
Just spent a half hour on the phone with toyota. This is an issue that is happening with many on the Iphone 4s. They don't know the cause and don't have a fix...
Had a similar issue. While in the car I shut off and restarted the phone. No change. Then left the car after I got home. The next time I got in the car everything worked as before. Technology....
Inputting the VPS login/username worked for me. Now I can tether my jailbroken iphone 4 to the V without the cable using SB Settings. Thanks.
Toyota is not be relied on for accurate info on Entunes and iPhones. Toyota will tell you that the iPhone will not work AT ALL unless hooked up via USB. That is wrong. If you plug in the Entunes ID and PWD in the Prius Setup/Devices/Edit/VPS-DUN and have Tethering/Hotspot option on your phone or (as "slazerow"" notes above, have a hacked iPhone), you can have full Bluetooth internet connectivity for all Entunes apps without the USB and without having Entunes running on the phone. But for God's sake don't tell Toyota as they will likely disable it.
Wow, thank you so much. Finally got my 2012 basic pip to work using my iphone 5 (with tethering on). I now can use the apps without having to plug my iphone 5 in via the USB.