Prius v owner stereotyped. . .

Discussion in 'Prius v Main Forum' started by MadCityPriusV, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. RonKo

    RonKo New Member

    Aug 20, 2012
    2012 Prius v wagon
    Have you all been peaking in my windows? You just described me. In fact this week I put more miles on my bike than my Prius.
  2. Quentin

    Quentin Member

    Aug 29, 2010
    West Virginia
    Other Non-Hybrid
    1) Do we have our radio set to NPR? Nope, bluetooth streaming from my iphone.
    2) We must be avid cyclists. Yup. But, I was well before I ever considered buying a Prius. I put bikes on top of my Impreza 2.5RS, my MKV GTI, and on the back of my 4Runner.
    3) We must grow our own organic food. I'd love to have a garden. Just don't have the time for it. Homegrown generally tastes better.
    4) We live in Madison, WI. N/A
    5) We would love to "save the planet for its future citizens". I tend to be conservative as far as the environment goes. I grew up loving camping and hiking. I still go out to Glacier National Park and Yellowstone. Planning on another trip next year. These are fond memories that I hope to share with my daughter and wife some day. Why wouldn't I want to keep the environment in as good condition as possible?
    6) We probably have Apple computers. I have a 27" iMac and a macbook air. I HATED Apple products until I set my eyes on a 20" iMac back in 2005. I'm a mechanical engineer and there is certainly a level of beauty that you get in Macs that you don't get on a PC. Oh yeah, the OS is rock solid and the first iMac I purchased in 06 still runs great and I gave it to my mom when I upgraded to a 27". You pay a little more up front, but I think that you get a very high quality, well thought out product that stays relevant for a long time. I dual boot in OSX and Windows so I have all my bases covered... AutoDesk Inventor and AutoCAD on my windows partition, everything else in the OSX environment.
    7) We like driving under 60 mph. I like driving the speed limit. It is the safest and most efficient way to get from A to B.

    3 for 7.
    GrayRaceCat likes this.
  3. 2sk21

    2sk21 Member

    Oct 28, 2011
    Teaneck, NJ
    2012 Prius v wagon

    So here is my Prius v parked outside Whole Foods where I shop using re-usable bags (that I got from the Toyota booth at the NY Auto show no less). Does not get more stereotypical than that!
  4. mudmanrv

    mudmanrv Member

    Jan 16, 2012
    NE Indiana
    2012 Prius v wagon
    First of all, I'm 37 - in the corn belt of Indiana of all places - I've only been "picked-on" a couple times about my prius and mostly from friends... this is what I tell them.

    I have bought my last two vehicles based solely on need. When we got married, we had a boat (I was driving an s-10 pickup with a 4cyl and auto trans) ... it pulled the boat fine - but then we had a kid, and needed 4 door with towing capacity... bought a chevy blazer (dad was a GM mechanic for 40 yrs so I was brand loyal due to access to special tools, his knowledge, etc.) ... the blazer was a good car - had it's share of common issues with those... at 200k miles it was time to look for a replacement. My wife and i buy a car every 5 years - keeping them for 10. when hers was paid for it was my turn, when mine is paid for, it will be her turn. now with 3 kids - no boat, and having just sold the pop-up camper I used to pull... I didn't really need towing. Our minivan will handle my atv without problems. Now I commute 42 miles one way (just about an hour) ... my blazer at 20mpg, and 18 gallon tank was costing me between 500-600 per month in gas just to drive to work - it was parked all weekend long. I looked long and hard at compacts, small suv's like the equinox...etc. even used. a used prius at the time - 2010 gen3 4 was running about 22-24 on lots in this area... and i was like - i can get new for that. it's a no brainer. then the v was introduced ... and it was 1.5 inches longer wheelbase then the blazer and 1.5 inches shorter in body. same space behind the rear seats - so i could haul 3 kids and a stroller if needed - or my drums. (in a country band at the moment) ...

    and it got at worst case - double the mileage that i was getting - offsetting the payment by half.

    I bought a v2 - and took delivery friday the 13th of july. i don't listen to NPR - but I do occasionally listen to local AM talk radio -on the drive home. I wish I had a gun other than my little 22 rifle, but i can't justify the expense yet. I do cycle, but i wouldn't say i'm avid.
    We had a garden last year - didn't do one this year, and it's a good thing - it's been so dry nothing has grown well.
    do i want to save the planet - no - but i don't think that means we should purposely be irresponsible either. i mean - recycle batteries, don't dump lead and acid into the ground to leach into wells....etc. I think we as people do waste too much - but in some cases it's unavoidable.
    I don't have a mac yet - I build my own pc's and have a droid phone and tablet. I would like a mac to play with - if nothing more than to learn the os a little bit. I am an engineer and double as an IT person at work. background in computer drafting - as one mentioned above - I had inventor - where I work now though, they use solidworks...
    and I'm also into music - which is another reason for a mac - as they haven't came out with garage band for my knowledge.

    Macs are beautifully designed - but for hardware that's 2 years old by PC standards - I can't justify paying 30% more or higher for one. maybe ebay or craigslist will offer up something cheap for me to play with - if it wets my appetite then so be it- I would rather pay more for something nice, then buy something cheap 2-3 times. that's my philosophy anyway.

    Of those that did have something to say - I ask if they've ever even ridden in one, and then offer them a ride. afterwards, they say it's pretty nice... doesn't mean they will go buy one... and i'm not trying to make them either.

    I live by my means - and having had a newborn last fall my wife stays at home - we're on a modest 1 income at just under 50k a year. It's low for the profession, but not too low for this area - and I work for a smaller company that has a lot more stability then say if I were to work for one of the big 3 auto mfgs.

    sorry I made this too long - but in short - I bought it for it's practicality - having not given up space, but gained in fuel economy, and replaced a vehicle with high milage.
    GrayRaceCat likes this.
  5. Quentin

    Quentin Member

    Aug 29, 2010
    West Virginia
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Those bags are AWESOME! I've had about 15 since a local auto show back in 2007 or 2008. They fit way more than normal plastic bags and they are super robust. Instead of grabbing 15 plastic bags, I can usually fit the same amount in 5 of the reusable bags. The fact that they hold their shape makes them so much better as well. I actually hate when I forget to put them in the car because they are much more pleasant to use than stupid plastic bags.
    2sk21 likes this.
  6. Jason dinAlt

    Jason dinAlt Member

    Jun 4, 2012
    2012 Prius
    Need a "My other car is an Aventador" bumper sticker.
  7. Quentin

    Quentin Member

    Aug 29, 2010
    West Virginia
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I've thought about getting a sticker for the Prius that says "my other car is a 4Runner" and the opposite sticker for my 4Runner.