I got so sick of people unplugging my PIP I decided to start producing signs that attach to the EVSE. The signs are made of extra thick paper and are laminated to make them weatherproof. They attach to your charging cable using the supplied zip ties. You can put it on either end, both ends, on your dashboard or in a window. The choice is yours. I just listed my first batch on ebay for $3.99 + $1.25 shipping. For PC members I will waive the shipping if you purchase 2 or more. I wish I could do better but honestly Im not making much at all on these. Here is the link to the ebay item. "Please dont unplug my vehicle" EV Sign For Your Charging Cord - EVSE - J1772 | eBay
Where are you charging that people are unplugging you jimbo, charging stations or outlets you find to plug into? In either situation, with there not being many around here to begin with, I'm shocked people would bother unplugging you... That sucks.
I've gotten unplugged at a local park. Not sure by who or why but it sucked because I could've made my whole trip in ev.
Can I suggest you put together a "set" of tags? The one you already have suggests that you might not have explicit permission to plug in at the location. I would have another that states that you DO have permission and a place for the contact information so that another EV owner can obtain permission as well. Perhaps also explain how to tell if the vehicle is fully charged so that someone else can use the plug when you are through. Also, I would use a virtual google voice number and email address for questions and emergency contact. Curious, when you plug in "rogue" what happens if you trip a circuit breaker on a shared circuit with something like a vending machine or an ice box?
Good ideas. I will try to make another version for the next batch(assuming there is a demand for these). As for tripping breakers, I don't know what I would do. Luckily it hasn't happened yet. I suppose I would flip it back on if I had access or drive away if I didn't.
Dark Prius, I just use one of those small combo locks made for luggage. They are not great protection by far, but it fits right into the hole already on the button you need to press down on the handle and it'll keep someone from just unplugging you and leaving.
Wouldn't a better sign say "This car is plugged in and charging with explicit permission of <name of facility manager>" Obviously, you'll have needed to obtain permission to charge, but you're doing that already, right? Yep. Just saw John Hatchett's response - keeping the perception of EV drivers clean from even the appearance of impropriety is important. Given the number of stories of people getting asked “who pays for your electricity” even at public EVSEs, those using standard 120v outlets should take the extra effort to be squeaky clean!
haha exactly! lol As I said, I will make a second version of the sign for those people who do actually have permission to use the outlet. This one is for those who dont. (this is the sign I would use 99% of the time)
My city parks have a bunch of 240V 40A outlets installed for events. There are also ChargePoint stations but they didn't install them in as many places as the outlets, probably because of the additional equipment cost. If the ChargePoint station is occupied I will drive over to another parking spot and use the outlet. I have an unlimited use charge station subscription from the city utility.
As far as people "unplugging" your cord set, my experience is that the only people likely to do so are ardent believers in superstitions and myths, or just regular vandals. For the tag at the wall outlet end I would put a wicked curse.