Hi. Thank you for this website. It helped a lot to settle my nerves about switching to a Prius. So last weekend we picked up a blue 2006 133000 mi. gray leather interior and I think it has package 5. I'm thrilled that it averaged 50mpg on our first trip to Baltimore from Lancaster Pa though I had some trouble maintaining a steady speed (I'm used to keeping the speed by the sound of the engine) I'm sure everyone can relate. So far I'm averaging 49 mpg back and forth to work (10mi each way). I'm very happy. Now it's time to give it to my wife so she can get used to it. I can see another one in our future.
Welcome to PC!~ Best Of Luck with Your New Ride. You have joined the many who put their families first. Pay for all this gas to Look Macho at the expense of my family or Get a Prius and spend the money on vacation or entertainment for the kids. You chose wisely my friend!!
Yes. It has cruise, cruise is a must for me. Also it has a 6 cd changer, backup camera, blue tooth(though i don't have a phone for it), garage door opener in the mirror, smart key, It has a button on the wheel for map but nothing happens when I push it so I guess it doesn't have nav, Or could the disk be missing? It doesn't matter anyway since my old gps has unlimited map updates I'll be using that. I was looking for a 2004-05 but my wife's friend let me drive her 2006 and I saw value in the backup camera so that went on the list of wanted options along with the cd changer.