This moring my local newspaper contained a letter to the editor from a city official defending their purchase of 27 Prius. Apparently, someone (ill-informed) had complained recently via editorial letter to the purchase cost of these vehicles and stated it would be better for the city to have purchased Corollas or Civics. This comparison seems to be based only on purchase price vs gas savings. Our city official responsible for fleet usage wrote a great response and it can be read here >> As the owner of a Classic Prius for 38 months and 37,000 miles and now the owner of a 2004 Prius since Dec 30th, just 8800 miles ago, I am proud that my town, Lexington, Ky. is the third largest municipal owner of Prius in their fleet. Barry
Has Lexington taken delivery of the vehicles yet? I live in Lexington and haven't seen them around town. I assume they would be white with the government seal on the side. I hope their purchase doesn't count against the regional allocation of Prius. I'll never get the one I ordered.
Sounds like Lexington is a pretty progressive community. Sure wish that kind of action could be taken here in the 'rust belt', but alas, there would be a public outcry because the purchase would involve foreign-manufacturer vehicles. Buy American, they say -even if it pollutes and requires more maintenance dollars. People of Lexington should be proud of their officials' forward thinking.
Thanks, Barry.... i forwarded the url to our city officials, and already got a reply that it would get to the appropriate people. now, if Toyota would only make a tiny diesel hybrid suitable for the US Postal Service for mail delivery, the would achieve some economies of scale that might be awesome, and the drivers wouldn't have to park their little cars and hoof it so much in bad weather.... UPS and Fed-Ex trucks, too!
That's a very well-written letter ... we should all be so lucky to have someone of that perception working in our civic governments.
I just read the article and I have to fully agree with rdverb that is was a very articulate and informed author to put it so succinctly. If more government officials were that capable, who knows what all would happen in this world.