The dealer where I'm looking said there's this fee required when purchasing with a loan to transfer the title to the bank. Is this legit or phony? Are you all getting charged this? If so what are you being charged for it? He's charging $199.45.
Depends which state you live. Go online to your Department of motor vehicles web site and it should tell you the fees to register a vehicle. Anything beyond what is stated is a dealer sticking it to you. If it were just a few bucks, say 30 to 40 I would not waste my time...but $200......sounds like a deal breaker to me not because of the price but because of the dealer playing games. :blink:
Sounds like that's a bit out there..... Research it some more. We bought ours in Ohio and soon as the state sends the title (no charge for this from the dealer) we have to title it in Florida. Will let ya know if there's more than say, $50 involved........ if that........ Oh, and ours has a lien on it as well.......
Thanks for the responses. This fee is in addition to the regular registration/license fee of approx. $65 required for DMV work.
umm seems to me title transfer fees are in effect if you are financing the vehicle. but laws vary...check with your DMV
Absurd. Unless it's used, no title exists; thus there's no one to transfer it FROM. Your DMV will create the first title. It will be sent to your lienholder, or, if none, to you. Now, if there's a "DMV 'overhead' " fee the dealer charges---beyond your registration/licensing fee, that's subject to negotiation. No dealer I've ever bought from has ever charged such a fee---much less a $200 one. Geez, we hear a new one every day here, don't we?
Mine was $70.80 but was called license/transfer fee. They did all the paperwork at the dealer and I received my plate and registration for the year on the spot. I just renewed my license and it cost me $70.80 from Texas. Title fee was only $33 and inspection was $21.75. They did have a document fee which was stated as not required by law but their fee for the paperwork. In Missouri the fee was $40 and in Kanasas the title fee was about the same. What state are you in?
If you have a lien on the title from the financing bank call them for a title transfer they should take care of the whole thing for you as far as fees are concerned in most cases. As to this fee the topic is about the title fee in most states does not exceed $50 to get the title and place a lien about $15 more to have it removed at the end of the loan term and bank generally pays for this... most dealers do charge a overall fee though for the loan booking and titling process (most here in ohio are 100-170, all of the dealer loans my bank does seem to have this from dealers including Oh, Mi, Ky, In, Az, fl, Tn and others) this loan fee in combination with the title fees that average about 40-70 would put you in the described price range just make sure they are not charging you twice for the process. good luck.