Since many of the early postings here were not pictures, rather posters pointing out that segments shorter than, say, 350 miles, etc., were 'pointless', here is an even more pointless response:
Since this is a picture thread: Now I suppose someone will point out that 27 mph is not representative of real-world driving.
For those still wondering how to get that screen in the OP's post with the three best MPG readings, here's how. Go to the Settings screen and choose Main Menu Selection. Find the Past Record section, and turn it on by choosing the OWN BEST setting. Now you will have a Past Record screen as you browse through the display settings.
350 miles!?! According to the manual, I'm not allowed to drive that far yet. LOL Speaking of which, exactly what do they mean, referring to the two stages of break-in period, by "extended" periods of driving? 50 miles, 100 miles, 500 miles? I've been putting off 400-600 mile trips until we break the 5000 mile barrier, because I don't want to "hurt" the car. I'm in Las Vegas, and I have postponed trips to Lake Havasu, AZ and Westminster, CA due to the break-in limitations referenced in the manual.
You are quite right, but you also make my point. Define "extended high speed driving"! That seems to be an awfully relative term to me. Extended for me might mean anything over 50 miles... while extended for another driver might mean anything over 150 miles. I have found that the manual for the PC2 is, at times, most specific and wonderfully informative... and at other times it is painfully vague and subjective. I have far too much financial investment in this car to be cavalier about how I use it, so I want to be given exacts. ;-)
This result of today's Sunday driving goes a long way toward convincing me that the Prius c has the ability to post a 900 mile tank!! That's right, I said it. 800+ is already a foregone conclusion. This segment started and ended in the same spot, so there is no elevation advantage included.
Go for it. You would need at least 95 mpg real world over the life of the tank. I'm sure it can be done, with a lot of patience. Question is, how many drivers will you piss off in the process?
God damn you! I was just about to go out and do this to beat fuzzy1. I only needed to do it for 10miles or so. Now I have to do it for over 55miles? God damn it!