I noticed my first time with about 90 miles After my own fill up few days ago...I finally see one bar down at 71 miles...Wondering if that's low or normal? Today it dropped second bar at 116 miles after fill up. Wondering what's your average miles after fill up that it dropped 1 bar? Thanks all
It is going to vary depending on mpg achieved during that first segment. Thus you need that info to be able to determine if your mileage is normal or not. There will be a big difference between someone who got 70mpg for that segment vs. someone getting 42mpg.
Right, that's why I'm curious to see their average mileage once first bar drops to see if I'm in average or not...just like looking at Fuelly for overall mpg
not sure how much it will help you but I noticed yesterday the first bar disappeared. I was at 90mi on that tank.
The first bar does not seem to drop proportionately with the last bars. I notice it because it gets my hopes up. I keep thinking I will have 9 times 70 miles = 630 miles on the trip meter by the time the 9th bar drops and it is time to refuel. Alas, I have yet to end up with better than 420 miles on the tank before needing to refuel. This is not because I drive so much more conservatively immediately after refueling. I am speculating that the initial bar drops later and later depending on how much the automatic cutoff on the gas dispenser nozzle allows the tank to be over filled...
I believe it will depend on how full you fill up your car. For instance our Prius will take another 2 gallons of gas once the pump first clicks off, this will fill up the tank to the top of the neck. I know about the implicatons of the evap. canister filling up with gas, and I have only filled like this a few times and when I did I was traveling and began driving immediately. In this case the first bar on the gas guage will drop at about 160 miles or so. I am not sure of the Prius C, but I am sure once the pump first clicks off you could still put in another gallon or so.
I've only filled my PC2 tank twice now, and both times I was able to get another half gallon in after it first shut off. Since the tank itself only holds 9.5 gallons, and I had put 8.5 gallons in, I didn't want to push the issue and end up with a spill.
I will report my last 3 (first fuel bar drop mileage) soon I'm down to 3 mile range with 2 bars so I'll probably get gas tomorrow or Monday
I think we see the same exaggeration but in reverse when it gets to the last flashing bar. Miles-to-go will say 60 but then go to 0 in about 20 miles of actual travel.
This is odd... Yesterday I filled up to first click which was 8.54 gallons with a previous miles per tank of 443 miles. This afternoon, I dropped off my son and came home, noticed first bar drop was at 43 miles...What gives??? I drove normally on my return commute yesterday (After that fill up) which was mostly 60MPH on cruise (21 miles on Interstate) plus about 3 miles of local streets) I yarn for 60+ mpg someday (Including frequent 500+ mile per tank!)
I think you are expecting too much accuracy, linearity, and consistency from a crude cost-minimized indicator. All my non-hybrid car fuel gauges displayed inconsistencies and idiosyncrasies. While Toyota did provide a digital display instead of an old-fashioned analog needle, it didn't raise the bar much on this issue.