TH!NK City EV spotting thread

Discussion in 'Th!nk EVs' started by cwerdna, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    I saw one today on the road for the first time. It was a blue one in south San Jose and getting on highway 85 from Almaden Expressway.

    The only other times I'd ever seen one was at Hybrids2Hotrods. There were a couple there. One of the owners (who also has a Rav4 EV) is a bit nutty. He was suggesting I buy one. He said to me something along the lines of "What's wrong? They've only gone bankrupt 3 times!"
  2. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    Sightings of a red on in the east Baltimore/Cockeysville area would be my car.
    There are 5 or so more between Baltimore and Washington.
    We haven't seen another one yet though.

    We prefer to call them "reorganizations." lol
  3. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    I was reading up on these just this minute. Apparently - all 100 released into the U.S. (after completing all crash tests) were snapped up .... ALMOST all of them (see below). Many won't even recognize them if/when they DO happen to see any of the 100. So if you want - here's one on Ebay right now:
    Other Makes : Think City 2 Door in Other Makes | eBay Motors
    Also - I found this . . . . regarding the Gen III version that most recently came out. It's the Th!nk City EV spec sheet on Google Docs:
    2011SpecSheet.pdf - Google Docs
    Dang! A 24kWh battery? In a 2 seater? I tend to doubt range claims now days (ah la Leaf claiming 100, then 73 miles), but with plastic panels, small size, low weight - it just may do 100. Anyway, from another email I just read, there are a few that'll be available in the bay area:
    apparently, they've come down about $14K in price, since Think began taking orders last year:
    Think Announces $36,495 MSRP for City EV - AutoObserver
    Not a bad deal - especially after state incentives and Fed tax credits . . . . and . . . for those who don't know what the heck we're talking about:


    I was pleasantly surprised to read that it actually uses the J1772 standard plug. The one thing I couldn't find in the spec sheet is whether the Th!nk EV charges at 3Kw or at 6Kw

  4. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius

    Of all the OEM EVs available right now, the THINK is the least known.
    No big surprise, it has not had a advertising campaign to speak of on this
    side of the pond. While it is not recognizable, it is distinctive from all angles.
    After folks call it "cute," they usually ask if it's a Fiat 500 or a Smart Car --
    To which I respond; No its the smarter car, its a THINK!

    As you've suggested, the claimed 100 mile range is pretty much a pipe dream.
    ~75 miles is more like it.

    I'm still an e-car tyro, so I'm gonna guess that the charger is 3KW.
    I have chrged only at 120V (limited to 14A) and I charge at ~5% SOC per hour.

    In a different thread I posted that there were 100 THINKs available. That is
    from a dealer here in Maryland. IIRC, there are/will be ~350 cars available
    that were assembled in Elkhart, IN. I've read that THINK Global --
    now in Munich -- may send an additional 30 from the Euro assembly plant
    in Sweden.

    Cars have been sold in SoCal; Portland, OR; the Chicago area; and here in
    Maryland -- EuroStar Auto Gallery Think-City-Electric-Car - New Car Dealership - Randallstown MD

    I don't understand why this Eurostar promotional video is titled Used Cars.
    All the other cars they sell are, but the THINKs they are selling aren't:

    Oh, I almost forgot; there is another PRIUSchatter who has a THINK.
    I'll let him chime in to be IDed as he sees fit.
  5. priuscritter

    priuscritter I am the Stig.

    Aug 11, 2010
    2010 Prius
    I had no idea this was a topic. I have seen several of these this summer, all in Indianapolis. About 4 total, on two different visits to Indy, and some of them had state-owned plates on them.
  6. ironranger

    ironranger New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    Other Hybrid
    Plug-in Advanced
    I live just north of Indianapolis and bought a Th!nk City last year. I have 17,000 miles on it and love it! I can get 100 miles per charge, but only if you don't use the heat or A/C and keep the car below 40mph..... I drive aggressive, so I'm usually somewhere between 50-70mph....... I have a red one......... local dealer is still providing warranty service for free......I understand that they are still warranting the ones they are selling in California for 36 months...... any questions? fire away! :)