So, not much on the tolerance. That last statement is very reminiscent of something the early church leaders might have said before trying to destroy the heretics.
Thank you for that, now I don't feel so quite the fool. On continued reflection, I rembered that the sugar source need not be a fruit. IIRC, honey (mead), palm sap, and even milk (Tibet?) have been used to concoct an alcoholic beverage. As to the probable container, the herders would have had easy and frequent access to stomachs from slaughtered animals -- only two smallish openings to deal with. So, I have to wonder if herders, although they may not have been the first to "discover," more properly "experience," alcohol, were not the ones to make it in any sizable quantity... and as you've noted, left no physical record.
One man's idiot is another man's sage. Let's not pretend that everything we believe is the truth. lots of facts really are not true. for instance, it used to be a fact that the earth was flat, and then poof, it wasn't. and i don't think science and church are that far apart. not sure how church came into the discussion though. maybe i missed that.
It was never a "fact" that the earth was flat! It was only assumed to be,,believed to be if you will. The earth didn't change, only our understanding of it, and indeed, it wasn't a "poof" moment. Even the question of the earths place in the solar system, (not to mention the universe) was questioned, particularly by the church for years before they finally relented to the reality of science. Just because we don't thoroughly understand something doesn't mean that "god" did it! Icarus
Well, a rudimentary understnd dinging of physics and astronomy proves it to my satisfaction! That said, I have been to one "corner" of the earth (Fogo Island Newfoundland) as designated by the flat earth society! Icarus
Dude you are getting your metaphors confused. Stupid people were the consensus in the past. You are the consensus. You celebrate the consensus as proof that you are correct. You are the equivalent of someone who believed the Earth was flat ,because everyone else agreed at one point. You are the equivalent of someone who believed the Earth was the center of the universe ,because everyone else agreed at one point. Skeptics are those like Galileo who are brilliant. Consensus are the idiots throughout history.