:angry: Well , I ordered an 06 back in July 05. Pine Mica w/Pkg 8. Rodland Toyota Everett Wasshington called me today and siad "It's In!", but there's been a mixup and it's not Pkg 8. It's Pkg 5." [That of course means no Nav, no Leather, and no HIDs.] "But we can put leather in it that is just as good as factory - in fact the skins are from the factory." I really can't believe it – as we have been correspondong at least 1-2 times per month to assure the correct package number for this order. So my question is, is the after-market Toyota leather legit, i.e. is it the same seats as a factory pkg. Although if it doesn't have HIDs, then I'll refuse delivery anyway. They've had y $550 deposit now for 6 months, I've sold my ACURA TL and must close the deal this week. So, I'll be carless now. I'm thinking I'll tell them to get me what I ordered and give me a rental while I wait. R.Novak Whidbey Island Washington
Even if it is legit, the leather will not be on the center console or the steering wheel. I would really force the issue with them. That is not YOUR car. What do you have in writing from them?
I have the revised July order sheet specifying "06 - Pkg 8" (as there was no such Option # back in July.) I think what happened here is that mgmt ordered the car - not the sales rep on the floor, and the specs were "lost in translation".
You could get your deposit back and call around, I bet you can find what you want within a 200 mile radius. Most likely closer. I have HID headlights in my 05 and after driving it for 4 months I'm convinced I'll never buy another car without them.
I bet you can find just the car you want within 200 miles, but if not, I would travel even further to get Package 8 if I could afford that package. I am sure they would give you your deposit back. You might tell them that is what you are doing, but you would like to work with them on this, so they need to pull all the strings they have to find it for you ASAP.
I agree. I wouldn't accept that car because it's not the car you ordered. If you can be flexible on color, that might help them find a car for you faster. If not, stick to your guns. And a loaner is definitely in order.
I agree with GreenMachine. It's not your car. If they really want your business they should be able to get the car you want. Keep looking.
stick to your guns... if your dealer has any class, they will admit their mistake and find your selection from one of the dealers in the area. dealers do swaps all the time.
I just spoke with again, said I was willing to work w/them - if they'd work for me. BTW - I also just spoke to another dealer North of Seattle. They have 2 Silver ones with "package 9" [which I have never heard of] they claim it includes "heated seats". They graciously said they would sell one to me today - @ MSRP plus some! Yeah, sure, uh huh. So I'm holding to hear back from Rodland, I told them I was flexible on color only.
Your right never pay more than MSRP for any car. But if you offer them MSRP plus nothing they may take it.
Well... I said "I'll come over and buy it right now for MSRP". The saleman said... "thank you, and good luck finding one" This was Magic Toyota in Edmonds Washington. Oh, can you feel the magic. By the way – the Magic salesman said the Federal Tax credit was $3.4k. Everything I've read to date puts it @ $3.15k
It is probably an honest mistake, the sticker was put on upside down. It is really a Package 6 <_< *edit* If it really has heated seats, then it is not factory leather and does not have a leather steering wheel and console and is actually a Package 7.
So the dealer has called me now. They're giving me rental car until my 06pkg8 comes in. (I mentioned earlier in this thread I just sold my ACURA TL so will be car-less in a week). Not a perfect deal, but at least they're willing to step up, admit their mistake and make a decent compromise. Wondering how lng I'll have the rental Avalon... (just kidding - it's a Corolla)
How old was the TL and why did you decide to sell it and buy a Prius. I want the Prius with Nav & leather but the wife is lobbying for the TL SloopG
97 TL 3.2 Just following my conscience I guess, tired of buying too much gas and contributing to air pollution. I have a 95 mile commute 3 times a week, and the other two days are spent doing inner-city driving. So the choice was obvious. I did love my TL. Drove the daylights out of it for 115k without any major mechanical problems - ever. The new TLs are a very nice ride but unless you reeeaaally drive like grandma (at tleast my grandma) you'll be looking at no better than 24mpg Hwy / 20 city.
Good for you for sticking by your guns.!! I have the HID lights and I absolutely LOVE them - wouldn't trade them for the world. and the NAV has presented me with a some fun :huh: and also saved me from getting lost a few times already. You will be glad you waited when your baby come in!!! I passed up on 5 or 6 that were not exactly the right ones and waited for the one I ordered to be delivered - took 2 months and WELL worth the wait!!
Dude, they are just pulling your leg. They did not order your car. They put you in the computer and this is the best match their alotment came up with at this time. They know that 80% of the people will just take what they offer. You could say no and wait for a better match or look for another dealer. Just noted the later posting....seems they don't want to loose the deal and I bet one will be here real soon. They are not going to pay for the rental without knowing YOUR car will be here soon. Expect a call soon!
I agree that it is probably a bait and switch. I just experienced the same today, although it was the desired package and exterior color (Barcelona 8) it was beige instead of gray leather. Our car was also supposedly "ordered" for us. I suspected all along it was not. Would rather the dealers were straightforward about the process. But we are working with them to get what we ordered, and they have identified a vehicle they expect in ten days. If the poster's dealer will give the rental while working it through, I would let them make the effort. Ask them to throw in the mats for free?