I thought imwould try and resolve this issue while I wait for the battery module to arrive. I read through all of the past articles relating to my issue with no luck of resolution. When the car is turned off, the steering wheel never locks. Even when I rock the steering wheel left and right it never locks. I'm assuming this is the reason I can't remove the key from the ignition. I always push the key in as I turn it with no luck. I make sure the car is in park. I also jiggle the gear shift lever as I try to remove the key with no luck. The only way for me to remove the key is to disconnect the battery, then the key come out immediately. Any clues?
It happened to my Gen 1 once. It turned out my Lock Release Button on the Shift Lever was stuck. After pressing it several times, I was able to remove my key. Vincent
Funny... i have the same problem... and i do the same thing... any fixes?? i have pressed it many times.. and still cant remove the keys
There is a small electrical switch that is pressed when the shift lever button pops out all the way. This button seems to always get damaged when the shifter is ripped out of park. If the button on your shifter is out all the way and you are able to place the car in gear without pushing the button you have a problem in the shifter and it is causing your key to not be released.
So would the solution be to replace the shifter, a switch or...? Anyone have a resolution they can post?
There is a small metal piece that usually breaks when the shifter is ripped out of park. Toyota does not sell this separately. I have one that I plan to have welded (if possible) someday. You may try to do this or buy a used shifter to harvest that part from. Replacing it will usually fix the problem.
for a quick fix i took out the bottom portion of my steering dash and unplugged the solenoid connector to release my key, but i recommend that you plug it in as soon as you take the key out.. you will get an engine code after a while and then you have to clear em.. but i am wondering how it is for that shifter and how hard it is to replace it.. i just got the prius service manuals... so a little reading will have to be done