I was wondering how can I install an EV mode button on my 2005 Prius also where can I buy the original button not some ghetto looking radio shack switch lol.
Why do you want a button...with the Coastaletech model, the EV mode is toggled by the cruise control stalk w/o the need of a switch. Check out my post #41 here.
Eh, if you want a true OEM install, buy the button from Toyota Prius 2004 ~ 2009 NHW20 Interior Accessories :: Sigma Automotive that's where I got mine from. It looks and functions like OEM equipped cars.
The coastaletech one is what I did to my 2006... Easy and cheap. It won't make it run in EV mode like a PiP for much range, but it'll work just fine for shuffling it around large parking lots or in and out of your driveway without allowing the engine to come on unnecessarily. And it wont look ghetto or cheap since it just uses the existing cruise control stalk. Sure, an OEM button is nice, but I just didn't want to spend the extra for the same thing. plus its nice not showing you did the mod when taken in for service or other situations you wouldn't want to show you changed something like that within the car.
Any of you live In so cal and wouldn't mind helping me install lol, something about tearing apart my dash that worries me. I would pay.
Here's a link to my original instructions Download prius-evbutton-install.pdf - Free Download from www.calcars.org A search should bring up detailed OEM button instructions Evan, ?
I'm probably gonna have to go with coastal tech. Seems like the easiest route. I hate the though of taking my dash apart lol.
no dash removal for costaltech - passenger side vent and lower glove box removal - thats pretty much it. The directions and pictures make it VERY straight forward.....very simple.
I did the radio shack button way runing my own wire using the terminals I got from the stering colum I didn't like the idea of drilling a hole in my dash so I milled up my own shifter and put the wires tru it I don't know how to insert a pic tho to show it