So I did a fast freeway commute, and actually floored it for a few miles to keep from being edged of the road by crazies. I was surprised though, 8.7 miles and speeds ranging from 65 to 82, and most consistently 75ish, but I got 53.1 it was a little hilly towards the end, I was pleased. By-the-way is that the traction motor that kicks in with a burst of power once it's floored and you push a little more? Must be...
No. Firstly, if you are getting more after you floor it, it is the Fred Flintstone effect. Secondly, the motor generators are almost always providing some power. See Toyota Prius - Power Split Device
wow that's impressive. i drove 330 miles and only got 50.9MPG - speeds were around 71MPH the entire time... i was driving pretty conservative too! I have no idea how all you folks are getting such great MPG!
I too would like to know how ya'll get such good mpg. I drive about 112 miles/day, almost all interstate. I keep it at 70mpg and am getting about 46mpg in the C.
Slow down and learn how to glide. 70mph with the AC on full blast with zero gliding will seriously drop mpg potential.
I imagine that my mpg's would have declined if my trip was longer. It was a very calm day, with a level road until the last little bit.
Yes. It's called warp stealth (WS). Obviously you won't do it when cruising steady state but you can use it on hills and overpasses. You should also be using it at every off ramp. Just beef ore you take an exit, lift off the throttle then reapply just enough pressure for the bar on the HSI to disappear between regen and the EV section. It's ok for the bar to be in the EV section just a little bit if that helps you until you get used to finding the right pedal position. When traffic is really light you can enter WS well before an exit and glide for a very long time. Do this enough times and your mpg will start to creep up. Soon you'll get the hang of it and you'll find more and more opportunities to glide. This is how many people get above EPA fuel economy. Combine this with lower speeds and you enter the realm of the 60mpg folk.
I drive 44 miles one way to work, from what I get driving 72-74 mph i get 53ish mpg but when i drive 68-70mph i get 48-48mpg.. AC is just on vent, meaning its off but blowing air from outside. Does momentum play apart at higher speeds? Anyone have similar experiences?
If you were to perform this test in the standard A-B-A method you would find that the lower speed yields higher mpg. I suspect that your observations are skewed because of terrain/temperature differences.
Well hopefully you're pulling a 4/10 work week at least. I would just move. The water must be really sweet where you live too.
My significant other makes much more than I do and gets much worse fuel economy so she gets to choose where we live. Hence her short commute. lol Besides, my commute is the reverse of normal traffic so I fly through. She would be stuck for an extra hour or more at peak times.
19KM/L = 44MPG shown in average from start MPG gunning it at 100-110mph for about 20kms or so, the whole 200km trip average was 22km/l = 51MPG with the rest of the journey at 45-70mph (80-120kmh). This was with eco mode off, AC set to 24C, night driving with lights and stereo and NAV on. I've done shorter hooligan run before, initially the FC will be 15-16KM/L (37-40MPG) but after a few kms the average will rise up to 18-19KM/L (42-44MPG) pedal to the metal.
I am farely new to the C, but I am finding out its not much diferent than an ICE only car. There are many reasons why some get better MPGs than others. Elevation, temperature, wind, humidity, and driving style are just a few examples.