So the C just rolled over the 5000 mile threshold and although I really didn't believe people when they said that a car has a "break in" period.. I am really starting to believe it now. I have been noticing that my mpg's have been getting much better in the last couple hundred miles or so. I am sure it is also due to my getting better at driving it but couldn't it also be "breaking in?" Just wondered. Also had my 5000 mile check up with a clean bill of health! LOL
5k miles, yea it's probably broken-in by now. In my experience, modern gasoline engines are usually broken-in between 1k-5k miles, depending on the engine. Since our ICE doesn't run as often or as hard as a normal power train, it takes more miles for our engine to break-in. 5k is probably closer to its typical fully broken-in mileage.
Im almost at 4k I stopped in my dealer today about the upcoming 5k rollover and maintenance they said to bring it in when it happens no need to make an appt,
Yep I didn't have to have an appointment, just drove it over there and pulled in. Was out of there 30 minutes later!
lol I thought for sure some type of APPT would be needed incase they were busy ya know. Oh well well see how it goes in about a month or so
I did call to set up an appointment and they just told me to bring it on in. Maybe it wouldn't always be like that.. I don't know.
It's been my experience in owning Toyota's since 1989 that Saturday's are usually pretty busy. Week days as in Tues, wed, thurs in the mornings are slow. I am sure it depends on the dealership as well. Let us know how it goes?..)
Well I just did my 10k service and they made a appt for me on sat and I got an email confirmation as well. Everything was smooth and I got a free car wash as well. If you have an appointment it goes faster than if you didn’t.
Great to hear your appt went so well. I personally don't ever do the free car washes. They can destroy your cars finish in one pass.