I went to the grocery store today and when I came out I noticed somebody hit my car. I was parked with my front facing out as I pulled into the spot. I remember seeing a SUV parked in front of me and I suspect that was the culprit from the height and angle of the damage. They of course didn't leave a note. They scuffed and dented my front bumper and my hood is out of alignment. They rubbed against the edge of the hood and not sure if that pushed it down a bit or not. But, it is out of alignment since it is nudged to the driver side. I have a package Five ATP and there are some surface scratches on the DRCC radar. I tested the DRCC and it seems fine. There were security cameras in the parking lot, but they said the camera that was facing my side was not working. I am not sure I believe him or he just didn't want to get in the middle of it. I am probably going to make a claim on my insurance. Hopefully my premium doesn't go up even though it is a not at fault claim. If I go through with insurance I will get the DRCC radar replaced since that is a costly part. There are surface scratches and not sure if that affects it. But, I want it back to new since it is only 2.5 months old. A friend recommended a shop and they won't be able to do an estimate till then. I wonder how much this will cost of fix.
The radar antenna is set back a little and mounted behind the Toyota emblem. The emblem is not the radar antenna. That sucks that some random idiot hit and the ran. If you can get your hood open you can look between the bumper cover and the radiator and you should be able to see the antenna. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
You are correct, but Toyota doesn't just sell the emblem. You have to buy the whole thing and MSRP for the parts is $902 and you can get it online for about $722. When I took off the cover by the hood latch I noticed one of the beams was pushed back. So, that needs to be replaced. My headlight is also misaligned. Hopefully the tabs aren't broken. They only way to tell is once they start to dismantle everything. This is proving to be more of a headache. I was hoping it was just replacing the bumper cover and some paintwork on the hood and blending. Doesn't look like that is the case anymore.
I doubt you remember my series of adventures in which my brand-new 2010 Prius V w/ATP was hit three times in four months, but believe me when I say I feel your pain. I had two hits in parking lots, one was a hit and run. I would go back and request the video from all cameras at that time. You'll need to contact the police to get this done properly. If you haven't yet filed a police report, that will have to be done -- especially if you want your insurance company to provide help. The reasons to ask for video from all cameras: Difficult as it is to believe, the person you talked to may not really understand which cameras catch what angles. The car that hit you went in front of several cameras while leaving. If you can describe the vehicle well enough to the police (who would watch the video footage), they would be able to track the person down and make an "inquiry" if the timing of things coincided with the time your car was damaged. It will hurt too much to ponder this one. Just go through your insurance company, describe what happened and what you tried to do (asking about the security video, filing a police report, etc.), and have the car fixed by a reputable company. I would demand the repairs be coordinated with a local Toyota dealership who is authorized to do DRCC repair. This was very important to me, and my insurance carrier made the arrangements. Keep us posted!
This would make me sooooo mad. This is easily over $2500 in repairs. I would do what was suggest about the police report & ALL CAMERA FOOTAGE. If u can get a plate # that will keep ur premium down & if he doesn't have ins u may not gave to pay ur deductible.
Ouch. I am very sorry to see that. When I first got my Five with ATP, a friend of mine (who has a 2010 III) commented I should be really careful about not getting hit by an uninsured driver with all that avionics on the front end. I have been parking as far away from the building and other cars as I can.
I went ahead and filed a police report. I am going to make sure they do an investigation since they have camera's in the parking lot. I am going to keep on top of the police to look into is sooner so the store doesn't erase the footage. I am not sure how long they keep footage for. I am getting an estimate tomorrow and will let everything know. I was hoping it would be an easy fix, but it looks like there is more damage underneath.
So, I got an estimate and the total is around $2,800 for the repair. That is with replacing the radar unit and emblem. If you didn't have the DRCC the repair would be about $900 less.
It is rediculous, but I think the $900 is for the V emblem only, and does not include the radar unit.