is there a way to switch the mfd to show the backup camera without shifting into reverse? seems like that could be a big help changing lanes on a freeway. or if you're a spy.
There is no known way to do that at this time. Toyota probably made that decision for safety liability reasons. *Edit* I probably should have started with "As far as I know"
It probably is more difficult with the OE backup camera than an aftermarket one. I installed a video interface that accepts two video inputs. Both are triggered by grounding wires. Naturally, one is now connected to the reverse signal so that when I put into reverse, that corresponding video signal is selected and shown on MFD (in NAVI mode). The other video input and trigger wire are open now. I could easily - use a video splitter to split the backup camera video into two and connect both to both input connectors. - connect the second trigger wire to ground with a push-button switch in the middle and place it below my seat. Now, when I want to see the license-plate of the vehicle tail-gating me, I could simply push the switch per se and the backup camera image will show up on my MFD. Is it legal? Yes. I have checked the codes of vehicles. Camera video is considered dash/instrumentation, not entertainment. You do not need a parking brake interlock, so to speak.
Which rear back up camera did you buy , how much was it and where did you buy it from ? Was it hard to install - ? would you mind posting pics or instructions for the install if possible - cheers James
Well, my brother said a lexus dealer told him while he was on a test drive, the guy test driving the lexus got the back up camera to come up while he was driving forward, but the dealer didn't catch how he did it. There's a rumor with some slight hope for you. Or maybe the dealer just wanted to sell the car. I did a little surfing, but couldn't find out any more.
JBJAG, I did put on a long posting but that seem be to gone now due to previous system crash of priuschat. I couldn't find it anymore. Here is a short description. - SoundGate TOYO1 (comes with molex plugs for video signals + need to splice three wires (Power/Ground/reverse trigger) on NAVI input) - SAVV RV2000NC (camera - 2lux/0.2lux - 150 degree wide angle, not the best in the world, but the best I could find) The most difficult parts in installation are - routing the video cable through the rubber boot under the hatch - cutting space for camera under the garnish attached to the hatch and drilling holes for cables to run through. However, it is one afternoon's job and for about $400 bucks. Here is the pcitures. Send me mail if you want to know more. ceric_64 at The pistures show panels under which I ran the wires. If I could do it, so can you!
I am courious as to why you placed the SoundGate TOYO1 on top of the DVD Player? Is there a place there you can hook it into? I thought it had to run to the back of the NAV unit. I have the G-NET Video Interface [which I think is the same as the SoundGate TOYO1] & camera [SAVV RV2000NC] will be here next week. I plan to install myself but if there is place on the DVD Nav Box this can plug into that would be great! Please let me know and thanks! -Dave
Thanks for all the good info. I'm trying to find a place to mount a 1 inch diameter flush camera and having difficulty finding a good spot. It extends about an inch and a half into the hatch. Was going to mount behind the license plate. But there is a weighted device behind the license plate that takes up most of the space that has a cut-out in the second layer of metal. Do you know what that is, or what its function is? No wires attached or could be a level sensor, but the weight pivots and must do something. You show it in one of your pictures mounted behind a panel with 4 brass colored bolts?? Has anyone mounted the flush camera? Arnie
If I understand your question correctly, I used velcro to fasten the SoundGate on top of the Navi unit (under driver's seat). You still could easily remove it for whatever reason you might have. When they are "velcro"-ed together, it does not make any noise. I had problem tuning for the right brightness (for both day and night situations) with SoundGate. I hope you don't have this problem like I did. :angry:
yes and thanks - I got it all installed, and I am using the remote for the GNET_RGB_TOYLEX -> GNET_RGB_REMOTE -> on bottom of that page. I think the GNET_RGB_TOYLEX and the SoundGate are ONE IN the Same. So the remote should work with the SoundGate as well. [Broken External Image]: It allows the user to manually switch between both video inputs as well as change brightness, color and contrast on the fly. Using a Y RCA Cable and running the Camera in BOTH Vid1 & 2 Inputs I been able to get video when driving forward by just swtching to Video Input TWO on the remote. It seems to work fine. I planed to run the DVD Player to it as well as to the TWO 8" Headrest DVD screen but decided I rather see the camera for now on the screen like a rear view mirror. I'll post a few pics with this. Did not realize that I could tap into the REVERSE feed as well as power right from the NAV Unit. That was a blessing. I also Vercro it to the top of the NAV Unit - there seem to be enought room. Pic 1 is at a Gas Station as I pulled away. Pic 2 Is in a Parking space, bottom of camera is just over the while line as seen in Pic 3. Pic 3 was taken while the Image of pIc 2 was on the screen, so you can see how low the camera does see. Not Really happy with the Camera Look and will work on the mounting of it real soon. as seen in Pic 4 & 5. -Dave ps Sorry about the sun in the pics, and mind you these pics where taken on my PHONE (Sanyo MM-5600) It's a decent camera but no detail like a REAL Camera