This phone works so well with the Prius. (it was between the Moto e815 and LG VX8100 for me) The MP3 functionality on the LG was just better (play and skip buttons on the outside of the phone...handy) I love how everything's just soooo automatic. In...out BT on....BT off. SWEET! Now this is what I've been wanting for a very long time. Aaron
I have a VX8100 too for Verizon. The voice connectivity works well, but the phonebook transfer does not. Frankly, I don't miss the lack of phonebook transfer. I can call anyone in my phone book using voice command on my phone without taking my eyes off the road. For incoming calls, my phone still rings, and I have distinctive ring tones for frequent callers. I never have to worry about bluesnarfing because my phone is incable of sending out personal information. B)
the LG 8100 will also have the advantage of additional services soon to be available. if you like using your phone as an music player that is.
XLR8, you may already have the functionality in your phone. In version 4 of Verizon's software you can use the phone to play MP3's off of a MiniSD card. I'm not sure of all the details yet as I am still waiting for my MiniSD to get here and then I'll go read up on it at Anyway, I'm glad to hear the phone works well since I got it as an xmas gift in preparation for my eventual Prius purchase (when an 06 pkg 7 finally makes it to my dealer ).
the current functionality does include the ability to play MP3's. the new functionality will enable you to download new music directly to your cellphone if in an EVDO coverage area. THAT you currently cannot do. any current owners will have to get their units flashed at a store to get the functionality
Yeah, I've got MP3's on a 512MB mini SD card already and it plays them just fine (I especially like the buttons on the outside for play/skip) Now, if I could only get the dang adapter....(another thread I started). I think you'll be pleasantly surprised, it's very good at the bluetooth thing. Hope you get your car soon and good luck! Aaron
Are you looking for the 2.5-3.5 stereo adapter (just a guess)? If so, I got mine from Cingular for 5 bucks (the male end has three rings on it, fwiw).
Wait, I found the thread you started and actually read the posts. The adapter cable I got from Cingular is substantially the same as the one in the ebay link. Anyway, you should be able to pick one up in any Cingular store if that's what you're after.
Yeah, 3 rings on the 3/32's" male end and 1/8" female on the other end. Exactly! There's no Cingular here in Las Cruces, NM but there are in El Paso. If I don't find one today in town, I'll be stopping by Cingular in El Paso Monday. Thanks tag! Aaron
So you can actually hook up the phone to the stereo in the Prius to play MP3's? I think I may need to go buy this cable too.
You might want to call first to make sure they have it. My understanding is they call the thing a "headset adapter" for the ROKR.
Verizon has frooze the 8100!...When I called them to ask why it was because of bluetooth compatibility problems.... they are working on firmware solutions and expect release again in mid Jan or so?.... They also expressed that the hardware is one issue "in other words", the 8100 may work fine with your car with another carrier, but the software is the biggest issue, or at least verizons protocols and the fact that they leave out certain protocols and or features. So I'm not sure what verizon solution is practicle at this point?.... I can use my laptop to link to transfer contacts etc, but talking is obviously a function whereas a phone is needed?
I have an 8100 also, but have sound quality issues. does anybody else? Is there any way to adjust the sound other than volume? My caller's voice sounds horrible over my speakers, and I don't souund good to them either. Very difficult to understand. it sounds like talking through a pillow in a tunnel.
Yeah, the VX8100 sounds worse than the VX6000. That's not just my opinion. Check the reviews on and . My first VX8100 started to reset in the middle of a call after I upgraded the firmware to version 4. I returned it for a phone with version 4 already installed. It doesn't reset spontaneously, but the caller is definitely hard to understand at times and the incoming volume fluctuates. People recommend disabling the voice "enhancement" if you have enabled it. If you are on Verizon and the phone is less than 15 days old, take it back for another model.
that is bigtime mis-information... there is nothing wrong with the phone. the LG-8100 is one of the phones that will support VCAST music when it launches on or about the 16th. the reason why the phones are on hold is because the ones released after the 16th have to be reprogrammed for VCAST music functionality. if you currently have an 8100 you will need to take your phone to a store to have it flashed with the software. the current hold is only so people dont buy a phone one week and have to take it in the next. the software upgrade will not change BT functionality in any way
Sorry Davey, but its not misinfo... if you go to and look for the phone, its not for sale.. they won't even tell you the price. If you click to the left for "bluetooth devices" you can find it that way, but if you click on the 8100, it will say its not available at this time. I called verizon to inquire... thats where I got the info. If you currently have a phone, I'm sure a firmware update may help, but it is apparently still not perfected or they would release the phone.
I think this is the problem. There's been a problem with software version .06 which somehow got out for a short bit of time. The best software version is .04. AND, there's a .05 (yeah .05 believe it or not) coming out on 1/12/06 which I've read is a combo of versions. Here's the link to the threads starting pages. 8100 Mine has "T81VZV04" and this is the latetest "working fine" version. My 8100 works great with everything. Do you all have v .04?