OK, this is just unbelievable. LG VX8100 3/32's input on cell (also 2.5mm I believe) 1/8" input on Prius Aux input I have a stereo cable 1/8" males on both ends. (2 rings on each end) The phone input male jack needs to be 3 rings (lt & rt stereo and 1 Mic) in order for this to work right. I found this out today after buying an adapter from Radio Shack (1/8" female end and 3/32's" male end) BUT the male end only has 2 rings and does not fit quite properly (I can "tweak" it and get MP3 playing great in the Prius through the JBL...sounds awesome.) After Radio Shack, Best Buy, Circuit City, Verizon and a couple of others I can't remember... NOBODY HAS THIS. Verizon had an external speaker setup that they sell out on the demo floor. It HAS a little adapter that's perfect. 1/8" female end then a small cable then a 3/32's" male with 3 rings that goes in the phone. Trouble is, you have to buy that whole setup for $99.00. Not gonna do it. Anyone done this? How'd ya do it? Also, there's a loud "bump" noise kinda like touching a live wire on a stereo that goes along with this as you (or the MP3 cell phone) change songs. Now I'm not sure if that's inherent of the cable, adapter or the phone but it's annoying for sure. Maybe that will be resolved when I get the right adapter. Anyone experience that? So, it's nice to create MP3 data discs and play them through the disc changer with steering wheel controls and having all the music info on the MFD etc (unlike the Aux input gives you). BUT...it's also nice to just add a few songs here and there to my "Mini SD" chip for the phone...plug it in and go without having to re-burn MP3 data discs. Ok, longer than I expected but wanted to share all of it and get advice from anyone experienced in this. I'd appreciate your help, Aaron BTW, this car ROCKS! All the integrated stuff (BT phone, stereo unit and everything else just working in harmony...GAWD I love it!) IN....OUT, BlueTooth ON.....BlueTooth OFF. Gotta love it!
Look on PalmOne website for accessories for the Treo 650. They sell an adapter for a few bucks that lets you plug a headset into the Treo... and I "think" they are the same based on your description... and my memory. /Jim
Thank you, but just looked and it's not the right one. It's 3.5mm and the male end only has 2 rings. Now, maybe someone makes one with 2 rings AND it's long enough to fit right and bypass the "Mic" part...I don't know. Here's the link. It's the forth one down. Link
BY GEORGE I THINK THAT'S IT! It says 2.5mm 4C to 3.5mm (not sure what the "4C" part is) but I believe 3.5mm IS equal to 1/8". Man, you'd think you could get it in a local store...sheeeeez. Thank you so much Jim06!!! That's exactly what Verizon had on their external speaker set for $99.00. But they don't sell it separately. Aaron
I have the same phone and car. It sounds like you want to use the phone as an MP3 player. If you're on Verizon like me, your phone is crippled so that it can't send the phone book via Bluetooth. I don't care much because I can call anyone in my phonebook using the phone's voice command feature without taking my eyes off the road. Then the voice is on the hands-free unit and I can put the phone down. If you're in the same boat, you would have a cable on your phone, which makes it a bit harder to initiate a call. I would buy a used MP3 player for music. B)
tessar, So, if I get the right adapter (which would "engage" the LT/RT AND Mic "rings" this WILL mess up the call initiation? Because of the Mic portion? That may be so, now that you mention it....dang it...I wanted the phone/MP3 together to avoid carrying 2 things. I will keep the phone as it is very good at the bluetooth thing. It just seems like there should be a way around this....hmmmm. Thanks tessar, Aaron
This is just a guess, Aaron, but since an incoming call mutes the stereo and plays the call, I don't think you'll have a problem. The phone conversaton will take place through the door speaker and overhead mic using Bluetooth. The phone probably mutes the MP3 player when it gets/makes a call anyway.