I recently got a magnetic bumper sticker. To my surprise there seems to be no place that it will stick to on the back of the Prius. I don't really want to put a real sticker on. Any suggestions for a workaround?
I had the same problem with mine, here's what I recommend: Go to Lowe's and get yerself a piece of 12 gauge sheet metal. I suggest galvanized, so it doesn't rust so quickly. Or steal a stop sign, that worked pretty well for me. Cut it to the size of your magnet...or maybe leave it a little bigger, in case you get a nice "Romney for President" magnet and want to show it off too. Then, you hafta attach it to the Prius. You could use something like an epoxy, or maybe liquid nails, but I recommend 3/4" bolts. Make sure you torque those suckers to 45 ft/lb, at least, and use lock washers...you really don't want it flying off at highway speeds and hitting the '72 Pinto behind you. Let me tell you, if my experience is typical, Pinto drivers are an angry sort. My last piece of advice: If you go the stop sign route, be smart and attach it "STOP" side down so the coppers can't tell what you did. I made that mistake and got a $250 fine. So much for saving money with a Prius, it's going to take 3 months of 50mpg+ to make that money back. Ha, sorry couldn't resist. I didn't realize it was an all-plastic back until I went to attach a magnet to mine the other day. I guess I'll just put it on the side of the car and stick with window decals for the back.