I'm surprised I didn't know about this until now! Episodes - Star Trek Continues From Cast and Crew - Star Trek Continues, Chris Doohan is playing Scotty and Grant Imahara (from Mythbusters) is playing Sulu. TOS fans should remember the ep that that's in the video clip.
I've always had respect for the original, because without it there would be no DS9 or TNG, but I will always be a Jean Luc Picard fan.
I'm shocked CBS is going for this, they are pretty tight with what they allow cryptic/perfect world to do in star trek online. It'll be nice though to see this pick up on the 4th year of the 5 year journey where the original series left off.
Back when the Dallas Cowboys were contenders and could honestly claim to be America's Team, there was a Star Trek parody of Cowboy's players: Jimmy Johnson = Capt Kirk..... Alpha males a bit too sensitive about the hair Barry Switzer = The clueless captain on the maiden voyage of NCC-1701B. Kirk eventually gave his life to save the latest Enterprise Tom Landry = JeanLuc........... Bald, methodical frenchmen that took the high moral ground. Landry was adjusting his shirttail less. Jason Garett = Wesley Crusher ............. I'm ad-libing, but future history should back me up. I can't compare Jerry Jones to anything on Star Trek except a nondescript monster - probably one that suck minds into an intellectual black hole.