Would really appreciate your advice

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by nvdv, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. nvdv

    nvdv New Member

    Oct 24, 2005
    Posted this on another forum. Husband and I are going back over to the dealer. (he wants to go tonight)
    They have an 05 pk #3 and they will sell 1000K under MSRP. we've refused all add ons and we're satisfied with the trade in...

    or... we could do 06 pk #3 in a color we don't like as much for 600 under MSRP.

    They don't have any of the premium packages on the lot and none of the other dealers around will give that kind of discount with the exception of one that is a good drive away.

    What to do what to do? We're new to this. Would appreciate any of you Prius poobahs expert advice
  2. jaybee

    jaybee Junior Member

    Feb 20, 2005
    Atlanta, GA
    I guess it really depends on the difference between the two totals and whether or not the color is going to bug you every time you see it.

    Others may have a stronger or more informed opinion but my gut reaction would be to go with the '06. It seems as though there are improvements in the '06 and each new generation of a product should better than the previous incarnation.

    But it's a tough decision. I'll be interested to see what others have to say.

    Whatever you decide, good luck and enjoy!
  3. Three60guy

    Three60guy -->All around guy<-- (360 = round) get it?

    May 20, 2005
    Racine, Wisconsin
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    Well, you must understand. We are not going to be driving the car we are picking for you. So, do you really want us to tell you which car you should drive for a number of years? I honestly believe the picking of a car is personal decision. In a way you already have shared your views by saying you like the 05 color better than the 06. The 06 has a few better options but in my opinion it is like asking you if you should eat this kind of food or something else. Your taste should dictate your decisions. Trust your instincts.

    One truly financial opinion is this:

    The 05 already has one year of depreciation on it while the 06 does not.

    Everything else is up to you. Sorry.
  4. driverx

    driverx New Member

    May 11, 2004
    N. Cal
    2006 Prius
    I have driven both 05 and 06.
    I used to drive 04 for almost 2 years. After I sold 04, dealer gave me a rental, 05 Prius for a couple of weeks. Now I have been driving 06 for a week now. 04 and 05 are almost identical. But 06 has significant differences and improvements.

    High resolution screen is just amazing. So clear and pretty.
    MP3 will let you hear tons of songs. Also you can connect MP3 player.
    I like the advance airbag for 06.
    If you upgrade to package #8, Nav and bluetooth have improved very much.

    Clearly 06 is a much better car. I strongly recommend 06.
  5. Jack 06

    Jack 06 New Member

    Oct 13, 2005
    Winters, CA: Prius capital of US. 30 miles W of S
    I have no compunction advising, since you asked.

    Take the '06. You didn't say you "hate" or even "dislike" the color of the '06. More importantly, $400 difference is nothing compared to the $2500 average difference between the two years you'll have down the road. Finally are all the improvements made in the '06, as duly noted here and elsewhere.

    It's a no-brainer. If they offered the '05 at $2000 off it'd still be a no-brainer (though more worth considering in the short run, admittedly).

    Good luck, whatever you decide.
  6. jwe8f

    jwe8f New Member

    Dec 1, 2005
    I hate to poke fun, but it's late, and I can't resist... :)

    On one they are giving you a MILLION DOLLARS OFF ($1000k), and on the other they are only giving you a paultry $600. You'll make tons of money going with the '05. I'd buy their entire stock if they are willing to apply that discount to all they have! :)

    Sorry... :)

    Getting back to what you really meant, I agree that for $400 you should go with the more recent model -- the '06.