The OpenEVSE project link has been in my signature for months, should have been too hard too find BTW, the 30A portable unit I built is for sale, if anyone is looking for one all completed. I am asking $650 including shipping, and 4 adapter cables I built for it. (it has an L6-30P plug on it for a 30A 240V outlet, I will supply the receptacle to you as well. It will also come with short cables adapting it to an L6-20R outlet (20A 240V), an RV Park 14-50P (to plug into a 50A 240V outlet typically found at RV parks), as well as a standard 120V 15A outlet adapter cord as well (so it can be used on a standard 120V outlet) PM me if interested... The details of my build are on this link: EVSE_by_mwolrich - open-evse - A portable EVSE built with an Open EVSE board. - Open Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) - Google Project Hosting
Not a lot of interest yet, the EVSE is put together and has higher quality parts than many of the commercial units availble currently. The parts cost for just the EVSE was about $550 and then I built 4 adapters for various AC outlets as well, so I am basically asking for no labor costs.
Mitch's system is very nice. I've been considering purchasing it myself but Im still weighing the cost factor. My thoughts are that I really dont need a 240 charger yet, Im hoping price come down on evse's, and Im considering building one myself that I can hardwire into my garage. I also want to tint my windows ($350), buy a nav bypass w/ video input ($300), buy new wheels and tires ($700), and install charging stations at my rental properties. Honestly, Im amazed by the willpower I am displaying at the moment...
Don't count on it. The cost of copper continues to rise. Over the last 18 months, EVSE manufacturers have continued to jack their prices ever up words. Best to bite the bullet now, before the next increase. SGH-I717R ? 2 I don't know if they will be that out rageous - but if so - I would buy a nissan evse. There less expensive - heavier duty, and better made. I've used one to charge the PiP, and they work great. SGH-I717R ? 2
As mitch said, its not the price of copper that makes the evse expensive. Its the j1772. Once those begin to be mass produced the price of the unit will drop a great deal.
Good news, Leviton is now selling the 30A 25' J-1772 cable/connector for $126. + shipping and tax. This now lowers the price of building your own OpenEVSE, as the most expensive component's price is now half of what it used to be. If you are uncomfortable building your own, I can probably put them together at about 1 per month, if you would like me to build one for you. Here is the link to the Leviton cable assembly: Level 2, 30A, J1772 Compliant Electric Vehicle Charge Connector with 25' EV rated Charge Cord , A3435-PEV : J1772 Charge Connector and Cable Here (again) is the link to my build of a portable 30A capable OpenEVSE: EVSE_by_mwolrich - open-evse - A portable EVSE built with an Open EVSE board. - Open Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) - Google Project Hosting Also, there is new firmware out for OpenEVSE that new supports adjusting the pilot signal, from a 1 button menu system, that is navigated via the AdaFruit RGB LCD display, see pictures on the OpenEVSE main page: open-evse - Open Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) - Google Project Hosting I am running the new firmware and have been using the OpenEVSE all week, with no issues at all, and the menu system works very well. BTW, using the "Advanced Power Supply", the unit is auto detecting of the voltage (sets itself to either L1 120V or L2 240V), so this one EVSE is universal, and with the correct adapter cords can be plugged into virtually any US outlet.
Awesome!! Thats great news. There are a couple j1772's on ebay that just went for pretty cheap. I passed on them taking the chance that the price would drop more. Looks like it has!