I hit an all-time high (in my three weeks as a C owner) on my drive home from work. 52 mile commute with 90% of that Expressway driving. I had the cruise set to 67 mph on the highway and the temp set to auto at 77 degrees. Car is in Eco mode. Temp was in the low 70s. I was averaging 52-53 mpg while driving that fast and when I finished the last 6 miles (driving 55mph) it kicked up to 55.3mpg as I pulled into my driveway. I think the added 6 minutes to my commute by driving 67mph is definitely worth the savings! I keep to the right lane, except for those few chances that I have to pass someone. So yeah...getting better than the advertised 47mpg highway. and I'm loving it!!! total distance 51.3 miles time 58 minutes consumption 55.3mpg Savings $5.07 (vs my Dodge Charger) I now have 1164 miles on my car.
Hello from a fellow Michigander That is a looong commute! You'll literally be spending less than half on fuel as your Charger.
I conducted the opposite test today. I drove at 65mpg with the AC on (78F) and used no hypermiling tricks. Even with 100F ambient temps I only achieved 58mpg average for my 98mile commute. Driving at 60mph with no AC and using hypermiling tricks I get 66-68mpg on this commute. The trip home was the real killer since the morning trip didn't require AC. Yesterday I got 86mpg on the 49mile trip. Today I got 67mpg.
I drove to Myrtle Beach SC last weekend. I averaged 54+mpg. Up to 65 mph my mpg was pretty good I thought, averaging about 55-56 mpg, but the hills will really kill those numbers. At 70 though, it may be hard to hold better than 50 mpg. I didn't stay at that speed too long because my average mpg was clicking down .1 mpg increments every 5 minutes or so.