Hi All My dealer was offering the Xzilon package for $295/5 yr warranty for the interior and exterior protection. I've read a few of the threads on here with people's thoughts. If I were to be diligent about having the car waxed twice a year, would that more or less give me the same exterior protection as Xzilon? If more annual waxes are needed to meet the protection of Xzilon, then maybe I'd consider it at that price. I've read Xzilon might be a good choice for those who don't get around to waxing their car. With my last new car in 1999 (honda) I was pretty good about wash & wax for the first few years, then kind of slacked off, and the paint suffered. I'm in So Cal. Got Prius IV with Softex
I'm not familiar with that specific product, but as a general statement, these long-term protection products are the modern snake oil. Don't waste your money--nothing will protect your car for 5 years.
It is a polymer-based product as I recall. It's about $50 worth of product (that'll do 2-3 cars) and the rest warranty. There are a couple of products available to you to apply to your vehicle that will do the same thing. It's a matter of prep and then about 20 minutes, just wipes on. It's a major league sealant that lasts a long time, but 5 years? Better not mess with the fine print. I'm the kinda guy that likes to do the work myself. I enjoy the detailing and caring for my cars. I buy various products and machines to apply the same. It's a hobby. Probly into it for that amount + but I'm set for years and do all the family's cars. Gets me out of the house and she/they get nice clean shiny cars that will last for many MONTHS to come. I understand the 'protection of investment' concept. BUT......if you are not that kinda guy and have an extra $295 laying around, just do it. Time vs $$ ........ always is.
has been I hear what you are saying. I enjoy maintaining our yard -- pruning, mowing, planting, etc. Gets me out of the house, exercise, while others might hire a gardener. Could spend a good weekend doing it. I am sure you have done the same with your cars. It really is a time vs $$. I work full time M-F, photograph events on weekends, and have a new baby. I'd probably be paying someone to wax anyway. I don't think they are saying the product lasts five years. I need to read more about it
At the moment, I've done some research, and I decided not to go with the Xzlion. The product is a sealant that comes with a 5 year warranty (if applied by the dealer) against paint blemishes/stains from things like bugs, bird poop, oxidation, etc. If you have Xzlion applied, and the paint starts to oxidize int the 5 yr period, then the company would repair your paint. You are really paying for the warranty. The sealant itself isn't going to last 5 years (maybe 1 or 2), and it's not reapplied within those 5 years. And should your paint show damage, and if you wait too long to report a claim or if they deem your car was "improperly" washed, your warranty claim could be denied. It's too vague. And I'm not keen on subjecting the new car to an unknown chemical. My car will be garaged during evenings and also garaged when at work during day. Future damage to my paint, if any and assuming I wax, would be after any 5 year warranty. Xzilion may have been a better option for my previous car, which was always parked outside in the hot L.A. sun. and didn't fair well in terms of paint.
I just bought my car with Xzilon but haven't taken it back to get it sprayed(?) on. Will I still be able to cancel it and get a refund? Will it be a full refund or partial?
Optimum Opti-coat 2.0 is a far more promising permanent sealant. Skip the stuff that the dealer is trying to sell. iPhone ?
I imagine you could cancel, I suppose the dealer will let you know. Did you have second thoughts getting it?
Or just buy Zaino and do the work yourself. There are tons of threads on here about Zaino, and related products, and how to apply them/protect your paint.
What's DCH, Asianstyles? Yes, I'm trying to cancel since I read/see a bunch of information on how I can do this myself. I looked at OptCoat which looks good. I'll check out Zaino. Thanks, guys!
I just used a new Turtle Wax product, ICE. It went on easier than anything else I've used, it looks great, it sheds dirt better than anything I've used - even after a rain and driving on a dirt road. I cannot comment on longevity - it's been on the car for 1 week. But if it does pass the longevity test, it will be a fantastic product.
Sorry, thought the dealership was DCH toyota. They put the sealant on almost every car on the lot so they force you to biy the sealant.
That's when you tell them to find the car you want without it applied or you go to another dealer. Maita Toyota does that with KARR security systems but I didn't pay for it.
I have been having my toyotas serviced at DCH simi valley for years without a problem. The only reason I don't buy from them is I have a buddy that is a sales manager at a different dealer. It's just too far away to take the car in for service though.