They will not fit the v. They are the same bolt pattern as the Liftback, however. You should post them there. They are very nice wheels and most sell for $400-$700 without tires (set).
What is different? Bolt pattern, offset, or both? Takeoff wheels are usually in the $400~$800/set range unless they are a factory BBS wheel or something similar. Just some realistic advice for your buddy.
I hear ya Quentin, as we all know, there's a ton of very nice aftermarket choices out there for $ 200 or less...I purchased a set of 17x7 Motegi MR 121's at $ 130 each... He's pricing them based on the Lexus MSRP of almost $700, that 's a rediculious price for those wheels, pricing based on that inflated price just ain't gonna work....we'll see how he does over the next few weeks, I'd be blown away if he gets anything close to 400, I have a feeling the price will drop very stand by for updates.
My bad...forgot to delete the OBO part, he wants 400 but likely won't get any bites and the price will drop to something within reason sooner than later.
A little late with the reply...I like um, didn't want a real busy pattern with lots of spokes tightly spaced, these are easy to clean...and the best thing about them, 135 bucks each, the dealers web site had an old price listed and he honored it, so these were a no brainer.