That is about 90% highway mileage too. (I'm not too far off of the EPA Highway rating of 51) Temperature has been in the 40's in the am's and 60's in the afternoons here in Las Cruces, NM. I'm very impressed and happy. I've learned here that the MPG will go up when you put between 5,000 to 10,000 miles on. So, it should get even better. Very happy camper! BTW...the 2nd tank is averaging (according to the MFD Consumption screen) 51.3 MPG so far. Just thought I'd share, Aaron
wasn't sure how good 47.4 was compared to other new Prius owners but yeah, now I'll brag a bit Funny thing too, I haven't tried that much if you know what I mean. BUT...that darned screen has me thinking about it more and more. is fun to try and get better MPG. So, today I actually tried after my first fill-up. Thanks Bill!
Sounds about on par with what I'm getting so far. Filled up today for the second time, with almost 1000 miles on the clock do far. Not too bad. My Explorer would have used almost 75 gallons of gas so far, as opposed to the 20 I've used. I also did an impromtu test today. I found that with cruise control, average mpg at 80 is not much less than at 70 (around 1 mpg). I guess the Prius is aerodynamic enough to minimize drag even at higher speeds. Las Cruces, huh? I lived in El Paso for 6 years.
Cruces. I've heard great things about it. I lived in "The Old Pueblo" (Tucson) for 4 years and never got there. I always took the Hatch-Demming short cut going between there and Denver. You'll love the car in that environment. Just try to look at the road every once in a while whilst you're trying to max out the MPG. Welcome to the game.
Wow, I'm in a warm climate and I've never gotten better than 41 on a tank... so on your first tank you've got me beat.
I think you said this (41) about a month ago. Still true? Man, I don't get it, in the L.A. basin and with that climate. Unless you're a total leadfoot and/or drive under 15 minutes almost every time out, something's wrong.
i'm aware that the milage I got while driving a Prius is likely due more to temperature and topography than skill, but I averaged pretty darn close to the EPA combined milage, with (what I thought was) very little modification. I tried to get the 'dead-zone' but my real milage came from anticipating stops - if I knew i'd have to stop, I tried not to use any gas. I think 41 (especially in California) indicates either traffic like I don't experience or a slam the gas until you stop habit (it's actually likely a combination of both, and things I haven't got the experience to diagnose yet)
Must be L.A. traffic then. I know all you guys from Florida are totally capable of 60mpg. (where's that "I Beat The EPA Thread"???).
I think you are doing great. I got about the same on my first tank but that was in the summer and it was 90 or 95 every day, also I live where there isn't much traffic so it's easier to plan ahead for stops and stuff. Even a little experience helps though because I went up to about 52 on my second tank. Cold weather has me down in the low to middle 40s now. I don't beleive in the magic 5 to 10 thousand mile increase. I have 7K now and if I see an increase I think it will be next spring with summer gas and warmer weather.
Well, I've been seeing the same thing, about 40mpg is it at the moment. This is due to my only taking short trips while I'm off work. When I was working and commuting, I was getting about 50mpg, and took a longer trip the other day and got 54mpg round trip. However, my car is hardly getting warmed up at this point, so the mileage is crappy. I've got about 2500 miles on it after 6 months, not much. -Roger
Small world huh? How'd ya like it? My sales territory is southern NM, El Paso and some of west TX. I commute to El Paso just about everyday. Had a traffic jam today and it was fun....doing it in electric. I think it's the first time I've had "fun" in a traffic jam. Sick...I know.
Cooool! Did you ever get ya some of that great Hatch Chile? Good hot stuff man! Las Cruces is nice, thanks. Pop. 80,000 or so and clean! Tucson is nice too. I haven't got to spend much time there yet but will soon as a good friend of mine is moving to Phoenix. We'll be doing some road trips for sure. I'm really trying to keep my eyes on the road more instead of the other fun things like the MFD. Actually, truth be told, I REALLY need to be careful about this. Aaron