I asked in another thread, but rather than hijack that, I thought I'd ask here -- I'm tired of the 4-second long voice prompts for bluetooth phone commands. Since the old method for the '05 required Nav installed, is there a way for the '06's without Nav?
Yes you can stop it. Just go to Menu, settings, then on page 3 set the PHONE guidance to off. Thats it. No longer do I get that lady always saying the same dang thing all the time. I just hit the button to say something and say it after the beep. Enjoy. At least that is how I do it on my #8 package.
I don't actually have a menu button on the #6... I can go to the phone screen and go to settings, but below is all I have to work with: <center>[Broken External Image]:http://27chickens.com/modules/xoopsgallery/cache/albums/album04/bt_screen.jpg</center>
Wow, thanks! I ran out to my car immediately to try after reading your post. I didn't find Phone Guidance on page 3, but I found Voice Recognition Guidance on page 2. It worked like a charm.
I'm not having any luck with that. I can't see anywhere a "Phone" guidance setting. Just see the other voice settings previously mentioned. And, when I set "Voice Recognition Guidance" to off.... I still get her commands. What am I missing? Thanks, Aaron
When I said Phone, I meant Voice Recognition Guidance. Set that to off. Did you click on the OK button in the lower part of the screen? That locks the selection to what you selected.
OK, I'll double check on the press "OK" part, thought I did that but will try again. Thanks Three60guy. Aaron
Confirmed. I did push "OK". BUT, I did notice that the initial "Please say a command" is gone (replaced with just the beep) AND...I still get: "Dial by name has been chosen" "After the display has been updated, please briefly push the talk switch" "After the beep, please say the name" "After the screen has updated, please push the off-hook button" Or something near all of this (late, tired) Does yours (Three60guy) still have all of these commands? Like I said, the initial "Please say a command" is gone. Is yours? And, is this just how it's gonna work? It does work great (especially the voice recognition of the numbers and/or names). Just slow with all of the commands though. Thanks, Aaron