I'm just starting to look into my options for a roof rack system that will work with my 2012 Prius Four with Solar Roof. A quick search of the 3 companies I know of tells me that the Thule 480 Traverse, Yakima Q-Towers, and Rhino-Rack 2500 are all options that are compatible with the solar roof. Does anyone have any experience with any of these rack systems on a Prius? (solar or not) Are there any other companies/options I should consider? Has anyone done any in-depth comparison shopping on these already? Any advice on best place to buy? I don't anticipate using the rack very often... maybe a few times a year to haul camping gear, and/or my road bike. I don't care about wind noise, so I'm not interested in aerobars. I do care about cost and load capacity. The specific use I have in mind is for hauling a hexayurt to Burning Man. If you're wondering what a hexayurt is, it's a temporary shelter made out of 4x8 insulation panels, so during transport, it's basically a 4'x8' stack of lightweight panels. Here's a photo: I'd appreciate any advice / recommendations Kampy
I've been using Yakima Q-Towers with my 2010 Prius (with solar roof). It seems to work just fine. The only drawback that I've seen is that putting anything on the roof causes a noticeable drop in gas mileage. Whenever possible, I try to put my load inside the car. But the rack is an option if I need to use it. I didn't do any comparison shopping. I just made sure to buy the right clips for the towers. I've been using Yakima for years (decades, actually) and over that time I have acquired quite a collection of various Yakima system accessories. Changing to any other system would cost a lot of money and besides, Yakima has never given me a reason to do so. I've never used Thule but know enough people -- whose opinions I value -- who have and thus can say that it's a good system as well.
Well, I'll be hornswoggled! Here I was thinking "Gosh, how am I going to get this Hexayurt to Burning Man on my Prius?" but it looks as if Mr Kampy is about two weeks ahead of me. Of course, I'll be taking mine to one of the wagon trains leaving from Boston or New York rather than driving cross-country, but the engineering question is the same: how best to transport nine 1"x48"x96" panels with a Prius III. I discovered to my surprise and dismay the other day that they do not fit in the back. If you're short on money, you could always try putting tarp on the roof, then a 1/2" plywood panel, the Hexayurt stacked on top, then a few tiedowns. I've seen far worse. But let me know what you come up with! I'm just starting the research; my wife wants a permanent mount. I will have to check out your solution on-playa. Chainsaw Margarita Guys 7:45C.
Hello Xebec! Well, in the few days since I've posted in this thread, I've decided to abandon the roof rack idea and am now going to install a tow hitch (I just now ordered it on Amazon) and will use the hitch to tow a small 4x8 utility trailer that I will purchase and build from Harbor Freight. Here's the link: Utility Trailer 4'x8' - Heavy Duty Folding Utility Trailer If my calculations are correct, the yurt panels will fit nice and snug between the wheels. I'm going to construct side panels for the trailer that are slightly wider than the 4x8 bed... and still have room left over for other gear/bikes stacked on top. I think everything (including trailer) will be less than 1000 lbs, which I think the Prius should be able to handle towing. And a lot of that weight will be water & gas that I'll get in Reno, so it won't be towed that far... I'll have to come get a chainsaw-blended marg from you guys! And feel free to come check out my yurt/trailer setup... I'll be with Camp Cohesion at 4:15/H, just ask for Kampy See ya on the playa!
Heya Kampy! I liked my Hexayurt transport idea so much I decided to use it myself! Here is my Prius, Hexayurt on top, just before I set off the 150 miles to Boston. This "ghetto roofrack" is made from two 1x2s, each cut in half. I layered tarp, two 1x2s, the wrapped Hexayurt panels, another two 1x2s, put the tiedowns over the 1x2s, set cruise control for 50mph, and set off. Worked fine! Total cost, $0, because I had the tarp and 1x2s lying around already. On the way back, with the car empty and the Hexayurt gone, I set the cruise control for 70mph and measured the mpg for comparison. In practice, I hit a torrential rainstorm and also two long traffic jams on I-95, so my average speed was actually almost the same there and back. What I discovered was interesting: With Hexayurt (cruise control at 50): Distance: 143.6 miles Average speed: 47 mph MPG: 50.7 Without Hexayurt (cruise control at 70): Distance: 159.4 miles Average speed: 46 mph MPG: 52.5 What this suggests to me is that people are grossly overstating the effect that wind resistance has on mileage in the Prius. In fact, the mpg I got fully loaded with the Hexayurt strapped to the roof was better than the mileage I typically get tootling around town (46-48). My wife is quite gleeful, because the major objection I had to installing a permanent roof rack just evaporated.
hello john1701a- I was wondering if you have tried the q5 and q124 combination already, and if you can provide the M1, M2, M3, and M4 measurements for the setup as well. I have a 2012 w/Solar and yakima system from previous car, so only need new clips. thank you.
Another alternative is a Combi Transporter box. 13 cu. ft. (size of a Corolla trunk), no interference with hatch, easy to attach/detach, stored upside down inside our garage when not in use. No ugly rack on top, no wind whistling noise, no reduced mileage hit (part of the mileage in a Prius is due to its shape sans roof rack), and no dings on the roof from loading and unloading the cargo. While not the way to go for carrying kayaks or a canoe (LOL), I'm glad I steered away from racks for hauling camping gear and/or bicycles. I considered a trailer, but the need to keep speeds at 55MPH (California law if towing) and the potential for flat tires made me think again - and then I have to store the trailer. Since weight and drag are what bring down Prius mileage...still laughing about the post regarding a roof rack with no mileage hit fully loaded -
Sorry, I've been really busy and still haven't had a chance to lookup exactly what I did upgrading from the 2004 to the 2010. Trying to remember back then, I seem to recall just changing one of the clips and the measurements were the same. Since then, I heard clip recommendations changed again. There's also the new tower & rail design. I still really like my particular setup and have been looking into getting a skybox for serious cargo transport, since the Prius is now going on more elaborate trips with more people.
Those photos are from 2012, as is this detail associated with my purchase back then: • Q-Towers 4 = $130 • Q-99 Clips 2 = $30 • Q-5 Clips 2 = $30 • 66” Round Bars 1 = $55 • Mako Saddles 2 = $60 • Hully Rollers 2 = $70 • Lock Cores 1 = $35