Well, I've owned my car since March 2012 and have about 4,000 Miles on it. I noticed my dashboard (the passenger side area where the blueish/gray plastic resides) had turned yellowish and was warping a bit around the edge. The dealer replaced the unit, no questions asked. They said it was a common issue. For the record, I always use a sunshade but even so, Minnesota has seen temperatures well in excess of 90F, sometimes 100F. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I didn't think they would replace it so fast otherwise, I would've taken a pic for you all. Also, yesterday, I got a wonderful 76.8 MPG on my road trip to Hudson, Wisconsin. I did hypermile but it was so satisfying. Cannot describe that feeling.
Yellowing dashboard? Wow, I'd have been freaking out if that happened to my brand new car... Glad you could get it fixed though.
I guess I am the only one that has had this issue on this forum. The entire blue-gray piece in front of the passenger did not entirely turn yellow but it was splotchy around the edges and had signs of yellowing in the middle. I have never used any chemicals to wash the dashboard and don't think I did anything to further the discoloration. The dealer had the panel ready to install (thought they'd need to order it) and commented this was an emerging issue for their cars.
I am in southern MN and have not noticed a problem yet. Of course I work nights and my car is garaged during the day. To the OP: Do you have the sunroof? If so, do you ever leave it open to vent? When I lived in Texas, a dealer suggested to always crack the sun roof to vent the cabin.
I don't have a moon roof, and given the ferocity of mosquitos this season in Minnesota, wouldn't even if my car was so equipped. Does anyone else believe the moon roof trick or opening the windows a little would alleviate the issue? Nice to see another Minnesotan!