Wow....I'm in trouble after only a few minutes in the MOD section. I see a couple of things in the near future!!!
I have a story sorta like that . . . Living in Ark., my highest (only?) priority for color is high reflectivity, to help the A/C keep us cool in the globally-warmed 111 degree summers (the highest thus far this year, during the driest drought since the 1950's). My wife, on the other hand, didn't want to get the white, because it was too much like the white on our former 1991 Subaru Legacy (which we had gotten when we lived in north Idaho and all-wheel drive was a high priority). So the compromise was silver. My wife got what she really wanted--red, red, red--this spring when we were living in Germany for a while, and picked up a very bright red Audi A-3 turbodiesel (not quite the Prius, but well over 35 mpg for the first 5K miles) through their Eurodelivery deal. It will be hers--our first experience with either turbo or diesel ownership.
Where did you get your car? Is the special financing region specific. I am in Massachusetts and don't see any special apr so it might be regional, guess you are in California? Thanks
Barcelona red is a very nice looking color. With the metallic flecks in the paint, it looks fantastic in the sun (especially when clean and shiny). Congrats on your new car!
Yeah, I think it's region specific. Part of the Nationwide Clearance Event, in So.Cal we have 0% for 36, 1.9 for 48 and 2.9 for 60 mths
Thanks so much for the reply I thought so otherwise I'd be posting the same thing! I'm holding out hope for a better apr special here in the northeast. I have a good car, so no real rush for me to get one but this would get me to tip the scales. Now color, hmmm. That red sure does look nice. Congratulations on your purchase.
USAA has been good to me. They have been the first resource I look to and have seldom needed to go to a second. We've been with them for over 50 years.
Actually, we GOT the turbo diesel in the US--you have to buy it from the dealer here to have it built to US specs--then you pick it up over there and when your trip is over, it's shipped back here. You can also get it here from Audi dealers. The A-3 and Q-7 are the only diesel models Audi sells in the US, though that might change soon. As I understand it, the A-3 in its current configuration will end in early 2013, and be replaced with a sedan from Audi's "next generation"--but I'm not sure when that will be available here--the comments on the VW/Audi chat websites are vague. My wife likes it--it's the new car with the most Zoom either of us has ever had. Now if they could just make it turn off at stoplights and recapture energy when braking . . .
^^^ It's a sunroof (didn't exist as an option on Gen 2) and the solar panel can help run the ventilation fan to keep the interior of the car cooler when parked outside.
The solar panels on the sun roof power the ventilation system inside, so when it gets hot outside, air is circulated throughout the car cooling it down. It's really helpful for me as my office is in the high desert area where it is over 100 degrees during the summer.
Well, I knew I shouldn't have ventured over to the Mod section. So, here are the new rims I got today!!