When the display of miles of HV remaining in the tank goes to 0 miles, is it really empty and the car stops? Or is there some reserve? I'm trying to do one 1,000 mile tank, which with my mix of occasional 50 mile trips is a challenge. How close can I push it?
And I made an assumption there, so I'd better ask. Does the miles remaining display show the miles of HV left in the tank, or the miles of combined HV/EV based on driving patterns? The manual says: "Displays the estimated maximum distance that can be driven with the quantity of fuel remaining. This distance is computed based on your average fuel consumption." Sounds like miles of HV to me, but it's not completely clear.
ok.......answer this question then......how does the computer know how many miles in EV you're going to drive? The computer assumes how much fuel based on the tank capacity.
HV miles seems correct. Mile to empty does update periodically if you watch closely. The fuel quantity indicator on my PIP begins to flash with 2.5 gallons remaining in the tank. I checked it recently on a long drive from Arizona and my indications are pretty accurate. Good luck on the 1000 mile tank!
It could "know" that the same way it "knows" how far you go on a gallon - past performance. But I agree that it seems to be miles on HV.
so......If I charged up, then that would be added to miles to empty, each time I charged it would be added to the total miles to empty
I just went out to my car. Since July 26th (when I last filled my tank) I have driven in EV mode exclusively ( about 87 miles) Checked miles to empty: 517 miles
Just checked my miles to empty, after still travelling in all EV my miles to empty went from 517 to 514 miles
Update: August 14, 2012: Just charged my PIP, miles to empty went from 509 to 519, EV is at 11.9 miles. So, now it makes sense, miles to empty is the amount of gas in the tank+ EV (assuming you charge the battery then run the tank to empty) Miles to empty updates everytime you charge the PIP.
There is a lot of reserve. I was at 5 miles left, charged at work yesterday and left on full charge, got to about 18 miles south (I live 44 south) and drove to meet friends at sushi in Laguna Hills (at least 40 miles away) and as I locked the car, I remembered that I was super low on fuel when I got to work BUT I'd forgotten in my haste to be on time for sushi ... and went directly to the fuel station when I left the restaurant. the car STILL only took 8.2 gallons. I had some to spare.
About a month ago I was going to Lancaster and know just how far to each station etc. I knew I had time so I waited for that last pip to flash and sure enough it did, with about 10 more miles to drive to the gas station I always use. I didn't note the DTE but even after it began flashing and driving another 10 miles thereafter, I only took 9.2 gallons. That means there was still 1.4 gallons left.