I am looking to purchase a Prius in the very near future and was looking for some opinions on whether it is worth it to buy a Prius 4 over a 3. The 3 I configured would have everything I want in the car. The 4 looks like it would cost an additional 3k and would provide a better sound system and auto on/off halogen lights that come standard. Am I missing anything else major that I should consider before picking one or the other. Prius 3 added options -Audio/Solar option -Added leather seats -Night vision mirror upgrade w/Homelink MSRP Total: 29,668.00 Prius 4 added options -Audio/Solar option MSRP Total: 32,930.00 Thanks!
the solar 4 has HUD included in the solar option. aftermarket leather seats run $10-1.4k. but the 4 has fake leather. msrp isnt a good indictator of real price. probably the biggest factor between a solar 3 and 4 is the power lumbar seats. if youre comfortable with the 3 nonpower nonlumbar, then save yourself the extra money. theres a few threads on here about how comfortable or uncomfortable they are. you need to test for yourself. and the discomfort kicks in after an 1hr+ commute.
+1 for the HUD. I love it on my Four. The power seats are also nice. It also sometimes seems that I'm alone in this, but I don't mind the Softex seats at all. It is "fake leather," but nicely done fake leather. It's comfortable to sit on, and neither too hot in the summer nor too cold in the winter.
Softex leather is comfortable, but the long-term durability is yet to be seen. I find it slightly more comfortable than the leather in my 2010. HUD is convenient - both for Speed/HSI, and turn-by-turn for NAV. Power seats are convenient, but add weight. Chances are, if you're the only driver, you'll not adjust them very often once you get a setting dialed in. In test driving the 2012 Prius with power seats, I didn't care for the front/rear tilt angle when raising the seat vs. the height adjustment on my 2010. Lumbar is nice, but that's all a matter of anatomy - I could live without it - some can't. Better sound system - if you're the type who doesn't want to upgrade after they buy, but has "slightly" discerning ears, you'll appreciate the JBL system a bit more. Auto headlights are convenient - but are you the type that forgets to turn lights on at dark until someone flashes you? If not, it's probably not completely "required".