It would be really handy to have a single place with a list of folks who have a Mongoose cable and the Techstream software -- which gives them the tools to set TPMS, clear codes, customize your beeps, etc. Posting where you are, what you feel comfortable doing, how to contact you and what you'd like in exchange (cash, barter, goodwill.. whatever) would be awesome.
I have Tactrix OpenPort 2.0 Cable with Techstream. I'm in Northern VA. I bought it earlier in 2011 to use on my '05 LX470. It is the same software and cable for all modern Toyota/Lexus models. I just purchased my Prius 3 weeks ago and have not had a need for Techstream yet, but on my LX I have used it for the following: - reading neutral pressure on the AHC Suspension - clearing DTCs - perform zero point calibration after suspension adjustments - for steering angle adjust on my VGRS system after alignments - customize the Remote Unlock to unlock all doors with one click instead of 2 - customize setting so that it waits 60 seconds instead of 30 seconds to relock after I unlock the doors without opening them I am open to using it for whatever it's capable of doing.
I have the Mangoose cable and the Techstream software. I am usually in the SF Bay Area. So far most functions work on the Techstream with the Mangoose cable, but the one that I have not been able to use is the customized settings tab, which allows you to turn off the reverse beep.
Full Techstream and genuine Mongoose (not Mangoose) cable in Denver. Full diagnostic capabilities and professional TIS subscription, parts on hand. call, email, pm or just stop by. Eric Adopt A Part
Techstream & Mongoose MFC... SE Florida... can cut laser keys and program new or used fobs. PMs are best...
Ditto. I bought a Mangoose cable (chinese clone of the real Mongoose) to see what feature set it had. For $60ish, it has a respectable utility in TS, but the Customization tab is unavailable, and it's quirky - sometimes needing several clicks on the diags to get e result. I haven't experimented with it for some time, because the official Drewtech Mongoose is so much better. I may play with it again soon, and report back with some better info... EVO ? 2
I saw your post on prius chat. I have a 2012 prius with only one remote. I bought a used one from eBay that's an exact replica of the one I have. It's it possible you can help me program. Can pay for it. Thanks Naresh
I'm not posting what pirated Toyota software I have and where I live, especially on a public forum! lol. (loosening tin foil hat a little.... be back later...)