I'm looking at tinting our windshield with either the Llumar 80 (completely legal in CA) or the 3M 70 film (which at 68% of light coming through is close to legal). Does any one have either of these tints? Do they interfere with the Nav system? Is the HUD effected? Thanks in advance for any info.
The nav antenna is on the roof, so can't be affected by the windshield. I need to get this done to my PiP, that sun coming in is hot.
I have heard rumors that the Air Blue 80 is being redesigned, but have yet to see news about it. I had it on my windshield briefly and thought it was great, but am not sure how well it'd affect HUD. I would also contact Premier Mobile Group in Orange. Although they do not carry llumar, they tint many windshields with their Diamond Cut IR 73% film, and most of their clientel are comprised of extremely high-end cars which have probably heads-up displays. I'm sure they would be able to answer that question for you as the principles should be the same.
I have had Air Blue 80 on the windshield, and Pinnacle 70 on my Gen II since 2008, the Air Blue is worth every penny, and the Pinnacle on the rest works out well! They are light enough as not to attract unwanted Imperial attention, but do a good job keeping the IR radiation out! Being a Ceramic based tint, no problems! It looks as good today, as it did when I had it installed!!
Be careful about tinting the windshield. Below is CA Vehicle Code that applies for tints. I know this can be construed as ambiguous, but it will be your time and effort to prove it does not violate the law. 26708. (a) (1) A person shall not drive any motor vehicle with any object or material placed, displayed, installed, affixed, or applied upon the windshield or side or rear windows. (2) A person shall not drive any motor vehicle with any object or material placed, displayed, installed, affixed, or applied in or upon the vehicle that obstructs or reduces the driver's clear view through the windshield or side windows. (10) Sun screening devices meeting the requirements of Section 26708.2 installed on the side windows on either side of the vehicle's front seat, if the driver or a passenger in the front seat has in his or her possession a letter or other document signed by a licensed physician and surgeon certifying that the person must be shaded from the sun due to a medical condition, or has in his or her possession a letter or other document signed by a licensed optometrist certifying that the person must be shaded from the sun due to a visual condition.
I'm pretty sure that tinting the entire windshield is illegal in every state. I'm contemplating a windshield tint "brow" along the first couple of inches on the windshield, but I'm not too sure how it'll look.
I am nearing the same conclusion - receiving way too much heat from the upper windshield while driving. I think it will look fine as there already exists a black 1" strip externally visible below the roof. Texas law allows any level of tint 5" down from the top. I am considering applying applying a 30% carbon "brow" next week. I expect it would also reduce the use of the sun visors.
First, thanks to all that responded. As much as I'd like to do a LLumar Blue 80 or the 3M 90 on the windshield, I think I'll follow the law and just do a nice 4 inch darker hue on the top which is legal. I'm finding it difficult to get figure out what I can do on the front side windows. The 1999 change to the CA tinting law allows a film for UV protection on the two front side windows that: (d) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), clear, colorless, and transparent material may be installed, affixed, or applied to the front side windows, located to the immediate left and right of the front seat if the following conditions.. : (1) The material has a minimum visible light transmittance of 88 percent. (2) The window glazing with the material applied meets all requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 205 (49 C.F.R. 571.205), including the specified minimum light transmittance of 70 percent and the abrasion resistance of AS-14 glazing, as specified in that federal standard. (3) The material is designed and manufactured to enhance the ability of the existing window glass to block the sun’s harmful ultraviolet A rays. (4) The driver has in his or her possession, or within the vehicle, a certificate signed by the installing company certifying that the windows with the material installed meet the requirements of this subdivision ...... After spending hours on the internet, I'm taking the above to mean that the film itself has a 88 or higher VLT, so when combined with the car's standard window clarity (80% vlt ???) would still be above 70 VLT total. Several problems with this though. One, I can't find info for the Prius current VLT anywhere. Also, assuming I'm reading the 88 percent rule correclty. I can't find any film that meets this criteria. 3M 90 actually has 86 VLT, Llumar 80 is actually 78%. Even LLumar UV shield 85 is at 85 VLT, not the required 88. What's wierd, is that while surfing the web I found an advertisement from a tint shop in Mission Viejo offering a LLumar product that "meets DMV regulations" and includes the certificate mentioned in the forth clause. Am I misunderstanding this 88% rule? Is there a UV film (hopefully with some heat reduction) that is legal?
A follow up to the above: Does anyone know what the Gen iii Pruis VLT currently is on the side windows? Anyone have a real number for the actual UV protection (I think I read somewhere that it cuts out about 70% of the UV, where the windshield cuts out 99%, but that was not anything official).
Hey guys, I didn't mean to wreck your ideas on the windshield. I don't have the windshield tinted, but all other glass has been tinted. I know I am on the hook if the police want to be pigheaded (yes, the pun is intended). I would love to be able to put a tint on the windshield that would not draw attention and would reduce the heat coming into the car. It is my humble opinion that the windshield is the real culprit for the excess heat in the car during the summer. I think if the tint is light enough and you are not doing something really crazy the constabulary will not object to tinted glass.
Air Blue 80 does not darken the windshield, it just stops the IR which is the heat! The standard Toyota kills 99% of UV, but that is not where the heat comes from. Get rid of the IR, you are going to be cooler, by quite a bit!
Im thinking about having my entire windshield tinted in Carbon XP @35%. Can anyone tell me if tinting the front windshield will effect the heads up display?