The last vehicle I owned that had tinted windows was a looong time ago. I dont remember the answer to this question... One of the reasons for tinting windows is to deflect uv rays which keeps the interior cooler. My question is, for those of us who live in areas that get snowy and cold, is there a noticeable interior temperature difference of a vehicle that has tinted windows vs a car without in the winter? I wonder because I live in an area (central NY) that gets pretty cold for about 6-7 months/year. I want tinted windows but I hate being cold..... Yes I know, the other solution is move.....
there was a post not too long ago here, a study that showed temps inside the vehicle were not much different between tinted and non-tinted...within a few degrees.
I feel like my car is cooler in winter with tinted windows, but what you really miss out on with the tinted windows is the feeling of the suns warmth on your skin. I don't think the temperatures were probably much different, but 70 degrees in the shade is a lot different than 70 degrees in the sun to us humans.
There are 2 aspects this issue: 1) If there is sun outside - then yes, tinted windows will make it cooler inside comparing to non-tinted car but... 2) plastic film used in tint has much less heat conductivity then glass, so it will work as insulator, making the car loose heat slower in winter. Also, the water condensation on the inside will be less for the same reason, so tinted windows will fog less. Best, - Alex