Am only putting $5 of gas in car. I try to keep about 4 bars in gas tank = less weight = higher MPG. Recently went to Reno with 4 bars going and 4 bars returning. Round trip 242 miles plus, I say plus as I went to our favorite Swiss bakery and bought several loaves ofGerman style Rye Bread. We often eat half a loaf on the way back. Oh sorry, I got off track. This new technique seems to help in both EV / HV.
I'd rather reduce the cargo load That is about 36 pounds removed. I'd rather see that weight removed from the passenger and cargo loads
When i crewed on gas balloons in Albuquerque, most of the pilots tried to lose as much weight as possible before the flight. 3 straight days in the air and an un-replenishable helium supply made every pound count.
Andyprius, You are saving 1% on the overall weight of the car. You won't see a noticeable MPG difference.
A whole new reason to have a bumper sticker that says "No Fat Chicks" Read more: Don't want to get on a soapbox, but do want to alert the chat group of something: While the "No Fat Chicks" remark seems harmless and in jest, it is one of the "categories" that help push some women to anorexia, such as fashion magazines showing extra skinny girls modeling clothes. Just more societal pressure that will help trigger this disease in someone you might not expect.
But it will be present nevertheless. I will happily take lots of 'unnoticeable' improvements, they add up (and occasionally multiply up).
Serious question here. Does anorexia cause more deaths, or does obesity? Which way should societal pressure actually be pushing? [Yes, I know, towards healthy eating habits.] many fat chicks would be pushed to anorexia by a "No Fat Chicks" comment? Hopefully it would push diet and exercise.
Anorexia is a mental disorder. Fat chicks will not get pushed to anorexia, but normal looking, mostly young teens, talented good looking girls are the ones at risk. It's a control issue, not a fat/skinny issue. I also don't think a "fat chick" will get pushed to dieting and exercise by having unflattering labels attached to them. I'm just trying to raise the awareness of the PiP chat crowd as I assume they are more intelligent group than the average chat crowd.