Not sure if this should be under the technical section but is there a way to modify the cruise control to be set to a position on the hsi and not based on the speed. After all it is all electronic.
I wish my 08 had that, I rarely use cruise on the highway because I have my foot on the go pedal in a very specific spot as to achieve great fuel economy. My speed fluctuates but I don't care.
Exactly my point. Staying in shm or gradually slowing on the hill and accelerating on the downside would be cake. Also less battery usage. It seems like a better and perhaps easier mod than putting a lift on a jeep. I'm sure I'm not the first to think about it and it's probable already been done somewhere.
This would most likely be a software change. Almost no one is willing to contemplate fiddling with the software in a Prius (even if there were any easy way to do it, which there isn't). You best bet is convince Toyota to do it. You have my support for that.
Or even better, you set top and bottom speed and car would pulse and glide for you Using only the most efficient pulse at a given speed.
After further research which I should have done first this topic has been hashed out a few times in the past. I still haven't found a mod that someone has done
Yes!!! If only you could change some wires and have Cruise control focused on keeping a steady MPG rather than a steady speed... Yet another reason why we need open-source programming for cars! Of course without access to Toyota's source code, this most likely isn't gonna happen!